A new book in my library.

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Just received this one, on a recommendation.

According to David Hobbs (who wrote the British Aircraft Carriers book).

"Anthony J Cumming's thought provoking book sheds new light on the British government's hasty decision, taken after the Smuts Report of 1917, to create an independent air force that came to influence every aspect of British defence policy between the wars. He describes how the untested theories of a few air power protagonists which literally forgot the importance of sea power and failed to give due credit to the hard won wartime experiences of the RNAS and RFC were accepted with insufficient study by politicians. Cumming stresses the undoubted bravery of the aircrew but explains how these misplaced priorities hampered the development of carrier-borne aircraft for the Royal Navy and limited British operational capability in the opening phases of the Second World War."

It sounds right up my street!



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