A new book in my library. (1 Viewer)

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Fingers crossed mate!
Same here, falling behind in the reading books department! :lol:

Thanks my friend, its more on weather they have it still in stock. I think these two will be limited run books which means they may rise in price as time goes by. Not on sale but are on a subject matter I have been looking for quite a while. Not so much interested past 1945 but should be interesting as they cover French in North Africa: Maroc, Agerie-Tunisie. If instock I am suppose to receive them on Sunday.

As it says about the Essex class book....

552 pages, over 600 black and white wartime photographs, colour profiles, 3D colour drawings. Contains separate 70 pages map book and four large format posters with excellent plans and colour profiles. Superb, lavishly illustrated monograph about American ESSEX CLASS CARRIERS and their operational employment in WW II. Many never published before photographs and detailed technical description these formidable ships.






More nice ones Jan!!!

Terry, so the books on the French aircraft arrived. Little disappointed and happy at same time. Tons of pictures in them. 95 percent of them I don't think I have ever seen. Bad news is its all in French even though they are stated as English. Oh well. Guess Google translate when I need it :) Never realized they had a squadron of Junkers Ju88 at end of the war. Example of a squadron page and pictures :)

Ah a completest huh? Very good!

Yep Jim, I hate it when I have a series and not all of them, makes it hard some times as what you are looking for is the one book you don't have in the series. I still have a few series to complete yet they keep publishing new stuff which is good but cant keep up. Im done with ordering books for a while. Wife asked me how many still on my wish list. I said only about 200 now :(

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