A new book in my library.

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Looks like a good one old boy - and you've bought something !

Received this today, from Wojtek. I've only had a brief look at it so far, but it's up to the usual high standard we expect from Kagero, with loads of pictures, many in colour, along with colour profiles and a decal sheet covering three scales.
Looks my my B-25J kit has found a subject !
Thanks again, Wojtek my friend.

Managed to find this one squirreled away in a second-hand bookshop:

Only just started but D'Arcy Greig was - how shall I put it? - a character! Also have Orlebar's memoirs of the Schneider Trophy races as well as the bio of 'Kink' Kinkead. All are well worth a read if you're interested in the Schneider Trophy events.
I have been a contributor to Detail & Scale on FB for a year or so. If you have not noted yet, Bert Kinzey had been publishing the D&S in digital format. Thes are great books at an incredible deal. You can get them in either iBooks or Kindel format. This is the latest in the new series and you get a lot of information for $9.99.
To date they have published,
F3H Deamon in D&S
F9F Couger in D&S
F-14 Tomcat in Color and Markings
And now
SBD Dauntless in D&S.

I just got mine, most of these are over 200 pages packed, if you liked the old D&S, you'll love these. The SDB Dauntless is 170 pages of interactive media. You can open any photo and expand it for better detail.

I should add here, when the book is updated, you get the update for free, it helps it stay current.

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Hmm. But buying books usually leads to buying the kits o the subjects covered by said books ............


Definitely, since Sweden was very keen to buy the NF11 version of the Meteor and Gloster were just as keen to sell them to us....
I didn't know that, Gloster even so far as a design study for a staggered seated version, which the Swedish Air Force preferred....

Now Airfix, how about a NF11 next?

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