A new book in my library.

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Gotta love Thrift Books "add to watch list" feature, been looking for a copy of this and one came up for sale for a thrifty price!


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Actually, slept all along. He doesn't make a peep during the night.

Don't let that lull you into a false sense of security...particularly if you have more kids. Our first son got turned around when very young, and so wanted to sleep all day and be awake all night. It took 24 hours of absolute pain, and not a little heartache, forcing him to stay awake all day so that he'd sleep at night. However, we got him onto the right schedule and after about 4 months was sleeping through the night.

Son No.2 comes along. We're now experienced parents, right? We get him right onto the correct schedule and within 2 months he's sleeping through the night. Great! We've got this licked.

Son No.3 comes along. We do EXACTLY the same thing...and it's 2 years before he sleeps through the night. AAAARGHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Just goes to show that they don't come with a manual...unfortunately!!!! :)
There is a manual, The expectant parents guide to your babies. though it has only just been released in paperback. In accordance with the latest phsycobable requirements it has no photos or pictures so that it cannot appeal to pedophiles.
Just came across this bookshop and ordered one book. Results for: World War II
Prices to me are variable but if they are the only one with a book you really want they are a godsend. I certainly will be pleased if the one I ordered is half as good in condition as advertised.
Now I just have to wait and wait and wait for Aus Post to deliver 8-[

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