A new book in my library.

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Cool Jan.

Hey Paul, just finished Beyond Pearl Harbor and noticed as I got towards the end of the book the end portion of the end notes is missing mine goes to End note 190 on page 277 but page 278 starts Selected Biography, meaning End notes 191 to 269 the last cited on page 252 are not included...not a big deal really just curious if yours is the same. This book was an excellent read none the less, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Cool Jan.

Hey Paul, just finished Beyond Pearl Harbor and noticed as I got towards the end of the book the end portion of the end notes is missing mine goes to End note 190 on page 277 but page 278 starts Selected Biography, meaning End notes 191 to 269 the last cited on page 252 are not included...not a big deal really just curious if yours is the same. This book was an excellent read none the less, thoroughly enjoyed it.

Afternoon Wayne, hum just looked at my copy as well and its the same as yours. Never noticed it. On the plus side I am glad you enjoyed the book :)
Cheers Paul, don't always check end notes during a read but did a number of times on this one.....till there wasn't any...:)

The Barkhorn book is certainly pricey, but you do get Quality...:thumbright:

I just wished his second book was the same caliber. Stories are good. but page paper down graded.
Question Gents, does anyone have Shores' Mediterranean Air War series? Do you find the books are worth getting in all four volumes?

If you like meticulously-researched air warfare history, with day-by-day accounts of the action, based on records from both sides of the conflict, then you can't go wrong with any book by Chris Shores.
If you like meticulously-researched air warfare history, with day-by-day accounts of the action, based on records from both sides of the conflict, then you can't go wrong with any book by Chris Shores.

Totally agree with buffnut, I have the 4 books Steve, the series is actually not finished if I remember right and will be a 6 book series when complete. You looking for something in particular?


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