A new book in my library.

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Another one came in, cheap.
Interesting and one (of many) that I had never heard of.
Looks like there are three versions (or more). Yours plus these two. I wonder if the photos are the same

Interesting and one (of many) that I had never heard of.
Looks like there are three versions (or more). Yours plus these two. I wonder if the photos are the same
View attachment 604338
View attachment 604339

The photos in the camo version and the one in post 7896 are the same, BUT the printing of the photos in the camo version are better and I believe it is because of the quality of the paper. I can only assume that the Japanese edition is the same or similar. So, all things being equal, pickup the camo version, it's also hardcover.
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The photos in the camo version and the one in post 7896 are the same, BUT the printing of the photos in the camo version are better and I believe it is because of the quality of the paper. I can only assume that the Japanese edition is the same of similar. So, all things being equal, pickup the camo version, it's also hardcover.


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