A new book in my library. (2 Viewers)

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If Japan knew that there was oil in the Sakhalin Islands, that whole southern expansion might not have happened.
I may need further research but, according to article introduced in a local journal of 1909, Japanese knew there was a hopeful oil field in North Sakhalin in the early 20th century and confirmed it during the Ruso-Japanese War. However, It was not in time for the immediate demands for the war in China because of the harsh natural environment for mining beside it belonged to Russia.

Oil in Sakhalin (Oil Journal in 1909)
I may need further research but, according to article introduced in a local journal of 1909, Japanese knew there was a hopeful oil field in North Sakhalin in the early 20th century and confirmed it during the Ruso-Japanese War. However, It was not in time for the immediate demands for the war in China because of the harsh natural environment for mining beside it belonged to Russia.

Oil in Sakhalin (Oil Journal in 1909)
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Is it me, or am I Turning Japanese, I'm turning Japanese, oh yes I think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Been a while since I bought a bunch of books, newest scores came today. Already had book one of the A6M zero so figured I would add 2 and 3. Now I will have to figure out when I will get book 2 of the K-43 as from what I saw in just a glance it peaks my interest even more. Kate book has some pictures I have never seen before so should be interesting as well and well the rest you can't go wrong with when it comes to Michael Claringbould.


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