A new book in my library.

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just ordered my copy today, this will be one of those series that if you dont get it when you can you wont find it when you need it ie: the Me262 series.
Got home today to find my FW190Dora Volume 2 by Crandall arrived! However, our friends at Amazon managed to put some nice dents in the spine for which I'll go after them.

thanks for the mention Wayne ..I don't know where my copy has got too, amazon promised it this week, still not here.... And while Vol III ('The Final Chapter') is certain to appear, a final volume (IV) comprising of lots of scale drawings, artworks and new photos, is not, unless, as Eddie says, interested readers get e-mailing the publisher and say they want it!

Excellent, I was wondering what volume 21 of the Luftwaffe Classics was going to be. The Fw 190 was just supposed to be Volumes 18, 19, 20. The one on the Junker's Ju-87 that just also came out was number 22.

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