A pair of Eagles

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Staff Sergeant
Dec 14, 2011
Wichita,Kansas USA
Building a pair of F-15 Eagles .Since i had spare Haseagawa F-15 office i decided to experiment . Well i did take a chance with kit bashing a 1/48 Tamiya / hasegawa F-15 cockpit anwd was very sucessful !! I bult the tamiy cockpit as is. Then used a razor saw to cut the hasegawa side cockpit consoles off underneigh side console. Glued then on the tamiya cockpit. Just sanded the sides to them even on the sides, Haseagwa instrument panel top section had to be sanded at angle to fit under tamiya coaming. IP had to b shimed to take up gap under coaming. So the end results was fantastic. Now to start painting the interior . Mean while i decided to get my shelf of doom hasegawa F-15 going. Stay tuned

Cheers Brian

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