A rational approach to debates and 'best' arguments...?

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I have no problem with facts contradicting. That is where the digging and research, discussion and comparison are good. Multiple sources of information will give you a better overall picture of the subject, but often contradictory on the minutiae. That is where respectful debate should occur.

When you take someone's facts that contradict what you have found personal, it's time to step away from the keyboard, take a walk, go have a smoke, whatever it takes to clear your mind and think about a measured response before going off half cocked. There really is no reason to attack someone because they have a different set of facts than your source. We are all here to learn and sometimes, that means letting go of old notions of "facts" that have been long held. I have had a number of things that I have thought for years been cleared up and corrected since being on this forum. Dont be afraid to admit you were wrong. There really is no shame in it.
No, you are all wrong, I am right!
I base this on, 1) I am right.
2) I have always been right.
and 3) I read somewhere in a book a long time ago that I was right.
Anyone that doesn't think I am right is a stupid revisionist that needs to check their facts and post documents proving one time that I haven't been right, and even if you do, I was probably misunderstood, because, (all together now!), I am right!

Now that was funny. At least there are some people with a sense of humor on this forum

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