A6M2 Zero Vs. ME 109

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Dam, that is a large sun of a bitch. I had a pet rat and I must say they are the best pets you can get, hamsters suck, the fuckers bite you and they do not like to be near you. A dog sucks, a cat is allright. A parrot is also great.

That pics does look bad.:confused:

cheddar cheese said:
Dogs do not suck, best pets you can have...

Best thing about rats is they make good target practice...
:laughing8: agree completely
DerAdlerIstGelandet said:
My best pet ever was a half lab and half rotweiller mix. Damn dog was awesome.

Nice! My uncle has 2 Rottweiler - Doberman cross. Theyre totally awesome...

My dog is probably the most inbred thing ever, Collie, Whippet, and some Labrador :lol:
That pic that les posted back there takes me back. I saw a rat about that size down by the harbour side here many years ago. It was dark, and I only caught the movement out of my peripheral vision at first. I thought it was a cat! Nope! Rat! :shock:

Damn thing almost made me shit my pants!...Almost. ;)
I saw some pretty big rats in my travels with the military and some of them scared the living shit out of me. I thought they were like radioactive killer clones or something.
My grandfather had a Dachsund, it was fat but cant grow any bigger than an arm's length... if u walk with it and don't notice it, u will trip on the dog
we call them sausage dogs, wiener has very different meaning over here, we've got a small collie for the farm, whn i say small she's about 2 an a half years old and she's about 18 inches high!
I had a wiener dog which was 28 human yrs old, and hes like 2 1/2 ft long and like less than 6in tall

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