I served aboard ships in the 70's and 80's that on occasion bumped uglies with what were then Soviet ships (VMF). It was approximately 1979 or 1980. We were aboard the HMAS Melbourne, a ship with a bad reputation of cutting her escorts in half. During flying operations, the Russians made repeated passes right under the bows of the carrier, passing within inches of the ship sometimes. Our escorts made strong efforts to keep these annoying little t*rds away from the carrier whose ability to manouver was restricted during flight ops but the Russians were very good at piloting their ships. I have on occasion exercised with Pommie, and USN ships as well as the navies of nearly every other pacific rim navy. The VMF manned ships by a clear margin are the best sailors out of all of them by miles. This mostly arises from a man joining a ship and then spending almost his entire naval career aboard that one ship. The crew learn how to get the most out of that ship, whereas we tend to shift our personnel around to gain a wider experience.