Aircraft Identification V

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Interesting. I remember reading that it had a very troubled financial/business life, including at one point, arson.
I thought I might try to sneak one in Graeme , well done guys. The Optica came out when I was at school and I was fascinated by it.
Yes thats it Graeme, I wondered if the engines and nose shape might make someone think twice. Taken from the net.

I concur with kk89 on the XP-80, but that is a sneaky edit
Sorry Graeme but Yesterday was my first daughter birthday, so I was out of the net but Youre rigth it was an Roussel 30.
So I think Youre rigth too with the hs124 and Waynos and Arson (I guess) with the XP80
XP-80? (Halford -Goblin- powered, smaller, first Shooting star prototype) AKA the "Green Hornet"

I concur with kk89 on the XP-80

You guys should know me better than that!

No, it's not the XP-80.
It's not a product from Lockheed.

Wayne that's an interesting photo. I think it's the high altitude version of the Myasishchev Bison, the Project 28 (2M), but I didn't know it was built(?) or reached the mock-up stage...

"Project 28 -- To overcome air defenses, a high-altitude version of the M-4 (project 28) was studied but not developed prior to the in 1960 to shut down the Myasishchev OKB."

M-4 / Mya-4 / 2M, Myasishchev 'Bison' - Russian and Soviet Nuclear Forces
Yes, thats the one Graeme. Its the full scale mock up of the Myasischev M-28-2.

If yours is not the P-80 in some form I'm currently at a loss having already dismissed the XP-54 and Canberra. Clue?
If you like Russian projects, I'll see what I can do Graeme. Yes, the M-28 is from my own library. I'll stick to the guideline about nothing less than at least a mock up being posted, starting here;

Not entirely sure Wayne, but I think this is what a lot of "authorities" in the late 50's and early 60's called Faceplate...

But is in fact the precursor to the MiG 21, the Ye-2...?
I really love soviets planes too, but sometimes it´s difficult distinguishig such subtle details amongst so many I and Ye prototypes, but I would say this is a Mikoyan Gurevich I-75 prototype.

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