Aircraft Identification V

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Well done Carson! Now there is just N10 and N20 and all aircrafts will have been identified!
Yes you're right! In fact the N°36 is the Bellanca Aircruiser! For n43 it is more difficult! I don't know this aircraft!

But the most difficult rest N10 and N20!
Yes you're right! In fact the N°36 is the Bellanca Aircruiser! For n43 it is more difficult! I don't know this aircraft!

But the most difficult rest N10 and N20!

If I'm not mistaken you are also missing #30 which is the french bomber Amiot 143!
Number 20 is a WIG vehicle (probably the Flarecraft 370) but let me check once more. About the #10 I don't know yet

I found #20 it is a WIG vehicle produced by Rheinflugzeugbau (a company founded by Prof. Lippisch), number is X114 and a few versions were produced.
If you want to know more about wig vehicles see the following site:
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Thanks Carson for web site link who's very interesting ! Well done to for the Rheinflugzeugbau X114!

But it is right that #10 is hard!
Thanks Carson for web site link who's very interesting ! Well done to for the Rheinflugzeugbau X114!

But it is right that #10 is hard!

Please note that in my list at post #4080 I've also included #21 which is the Northrop Tacit Blue.
Concerning elusive #10 I've seen it many times on several sites but now I canìt locate it...

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