Aircraft Identification V

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US, you can see the tips of the stars on the upper wing. But a small engine for a race plane. A three cylinder radial should be not that hard to find. Searching.

Sperry Messenger on floats? CD

Getting warmer. The way I understand it Captain, the Messenger inspired the Navy to produce something similar. Consequently, the Bureau of Aeronautics designed this single-seat scout but the Navy contracted two other firms to manufacture it. One built it in aluminium and the other in wood. Happy to accept either name...

It could also be stowed aboard a submarine.
Consequently, the Bureau of Aeronautics designed this single-seat scout but the Navy contracted two other firms to manufacture it. One built it in aluminium and the other in wood.

No more takers?

The Cox-Klemin XS (wood) or Martin MS (aluminium).
I'll post in here, but this isn't really a quiz.

I saw a picture in a "planes of the Luftwaffe" book at a used book store today, of two mechs rearming a plane that had two LMGs on the side of the fuselage, with the lower one placed slightly ahead of the upper one. The canopy opened up over top, but looked quite a bit like a 109E canopy - the one that opens to the side.

There were no engines visible, but I got the impression that it was (at least) a two engine aircraft.

First off, I was thinking Hs 129, but it seemed to me that the engine was too far away from the fuselage, given the angle of the shot.

Could it be an Fw 187? How were the MGs placed in that type?

Edit: Nevermind, I saw the "mistakes in aviation thread", which had pics of the Fw187. It's a perfect match.
The Fw-187 would have been my thought too. Anice little plane with excellent performance. But now for something completely different:

Yepp, that was fast. I could live with "Thomas-Morse Scout". Thought it would be interesting to go away from the WW2 planes. by the way: Do you got the current AviaQuiz? Took me two seconds this time.

Do you got the current AviaQuiz? Took me two seconds this time.

Took me much longer Krabat. Knew it was a Dragon, but which one? DH 84, DH 86, DH 89 or DH 90? they all seem to have the same windmilling alternator on the top wing and cabin layout. Then I found the photo they used (very rare for me). DH 89A Dragon Rapide.

What about a thread devoted to 'solving' their photos? (or attempting to) I can't see any harm in it.

Crazy happenings in nearby Austria, Krabat Big news in Australia...

The Associated Press: Police: Dad confesses to holding daughter captive 24 years

I guess Stockinger and Rex slipped up somewhere?! This is twice isn't?

Thought it would be interesting to go away from the WW2 planes. by the way: Krabat

Sure. Here's my entry....

DH 89A Dragon Rapide

Got it at the first sight. We had six of them flying in Formation at Flying Legends 2005.

What about a thread devoted to 'solving' their photos? (or attempting to) I can't see any harm in it.

Yes, a good idea, why not. Let's do it. I can see no harm either.

Crazy happenings in nearby Austria

Yeah, unbelievable, but - to be honest - I wasn't that surprised. In my own pessimistic view: The people and the media will be upset but they will look away the next time when they see their next door neighbour is beating his wife. It's high time that people take responsibiliy for what they do and especially what they not do. In Schwerin the mayor Claussen is voted away after the death from starvation of a girl. Grave mistake by his social welfare office. And what about the people who knew that something was wrong and saw that the office did nothing? They are not innocent either.

But that's going off topic now so back to the quiz: Is it russian or austrian?

Yes, a good idea, why not. Let's do it. I can see no harm either.

OK. I'll start one with the next AviaQuiz photo.

And what about the people who knew that something was wrong and saw that the office did nothing? They are not innocent either.

Very true. We had a story of a man found dead after one year in a housing commission flat that hit the headlines with the media and 'public' blaming the government for failing to monitor its old people, yet his fellow neighbouring tennants appeared oblivious to his piling mail and sudden disappearance...

The 7.30 Report - ABC

And we are not alone...

Council tenant shared flat with dead lodger for eight years | UK news | The Guardian

Is it russian or austrian?Krabat

Italian (Caproni). Another shot...


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