Thanks gentlemen.
Well, this build started out as a way to regain my mojo after a bit of a building slump. It ended up as a bit of a mojo damper actually as I got a bit tired of it. Nonetheless, I will call it done. The final steps were to reattach the fogged windscreen, repaint the frames, reattach the IFF aerial that I broke off, add the VHF whip aerial, flatten the tires, and do a little touch up. Having viewed the finished pics, I realized that I scratched the black paint off the port tire which will be an easy fix - some day.
The model was intended to be an OOB build which, for me, is pretty rare. I certainly didn't go to town adding detail but there were a few things that bothered me that I had to correct. A summary of the changes to the base Airfix kit are:
1. Discarded the wrong gun sight and scratch built a more appropriate gyro sight.
2. Drilled out the lightening holes in frame 11
3. Added shoulder harness support bar and seatbelts
4. Filled in the narrow collars on the cannon fairings
5. Gun camera port drilled out.
6. Spinner fasteners drilled out.
7. Fishtail exhausts were not used but rather the round ones were installed based on photo evidence.
8. Added IFF spike antenna with scribed panel and also VHF whip aerial.
From a paint scheme standpoint, I deviated from the Airfix instructions as follows:
1. Spinner was painted red, not yellow, based on my interpretation of photos of the actual aircraft
2. The canopy frames are only silver/bare metal on the lower frames so the upper framing was painted Dark Green
3. The 5 "Locked/Unlocked" decals for the spinner were not used.
And so with that, the final pics. Thanks to all who followed and those who provided info or support.