"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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The great purge 2.0 ?

The arrest yesterday of Igor "Strelkov" Girkin may be the start of a crackdown on jingoistic "hurrah-patriots", according to an apparently leaked report which is said to have led to his detention. It also denounces many others including broadcaster Vladimir Solovyov.

Which are the problems for railway transportation of the grain?
A big one is Ukraine's different rail gauge than those in the EU, meaning the trains must offload at the Polish, Romanian, Slovakian or Hungarian borders.

Another issue is Polish farmers do not like Ukrainian grain transiting through Poland as it collapses their pricing.

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The Poles are not that stupid and will no doubt let any Wagner/Belarus people invade for a few hours and distribute lots of footage of the invaders before slamming the mausoleum door on top of those invaders and invoking article 5.

I would expect much of Belarus to fall fairly quickly as there is a large anti-government and anti-soviet movement who will quickly become active in many of the right places - and who are no doubt already feeding Poland with good intel.
Ok, so Germany is prepared to move through Poland to go after Russians.

Something really familiar about all this...
You jest I know, but today's Germany has no offensive capability. Repeat Sept 1939 with both Germany and Russia invading Poland and the Poles would kick everyone's butt. Even more so by this time 2024.
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