"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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I just run the ignore function when people can't stay with the plot. Though at current I'm only ignoring GTX, but not because I don't value their insight when given, but only to avoid the barrage of screen-filling YouTube, Twitter and media dumps that clutter my feed with talking heads. When I have a spare moment I click the unignore button to see if their own thoughts on the Russo-Ukraine War have been posted. What would be great on this forum, which I've seen elsewhere, is a way to switch off YouTube and Twitter previews or thumbnails.

Back to Ukraine, this is annoying. Our government promises air defence but does not deliver. I find the Canadian government conflates committed with delivered military aid.

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Excellent post! I'm only checking in as I've just excited a 5 week training program and fly tonight to Amsterdam.
To quote MacArthur, "I shall return".


I know I already commented on this, but I had to revisit after reading this news today:

"European natural gas prices extended losses to below €31 per megawatt-hour, after an 8.6% drop on Monday, driven by abundant gas supplies caused by the extended mild weather in the region, despite the ongoing cold snap. The mild conditions led to a significant reduction in gas consumption for heating, while energy-intensive companies scaled back production, resulting in lower overall demand. As a result, regional gas storage levels remain high, surpassing the typical levels for this time of year. Starting the season almost full at 90%, current stockpiles have only decreased to around 85%, allowing Europe to maintain a higher-than-expected level of gas reserves. If these current trends continue, Europe is set to enter spring with more than half of its underground gas storage capacity still available, compared to the 10-year average of just 35%.

To put that in context, gas prices in January 2024 are similar to Summer 2021.

Excellent post! I'm only checking in as I've just excited a 5 week training program and fly tonight to Amsterdam.
To quote MacArthur, "I shall return".

Off to Olde Hamsterjam! Watch out for the clog wearing mice and those strange cigarettes!

Have a blast and tell all when you get back.
Another of Putins allies seems to have had an accident of some sort. What I find difficult to understand is that these are his allies, people who seem to have been doing a good job (from his perspective)

Zoya Konovalova, aged 48, known as the head of a propaganda channel linked to Russian President Vladimir Putin, was found dead in her home.
The circumstances surrounding her death have raised questions, given her prominent role in the media landscape connected to the Russian government. Konovalova has been a notable figure in Russian media, particularly in channels that are known to disseminate information favoring the Kremlin's viewpoints. Her involvement in these channels had made her a significant part of the state's media apparatus.
The discovery of her death in her residence has prompted an investigation, as officials seek to determine the cause. Given her high-profile position and the sensitive nature of her work, the incident has attracted considerable attention both within Russia and internationally.

This development comes amidst a complex backdrop of media control and propaganda within Russia, where the government heavily influences public information. Konovalova's role in this system had been crucial, and her sudden death adds a layer of intrigue and speculation about the internal workings of state-controlled media in Russia
Is invading Ukraine and destroying their own economy the worst miscalculation in Russia's history? Others could be provoking war with Japan in 1904, or war with Germany in 1914, or the 1939 Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact, or purging its officer corps just before Barbarossa in 1941? Any others? Had cooling heads in London not prevailed, Russia's attacking of British shipping in 1904 might have made the list.

Are there inklings of her turning away from the party line, or was this a Ukrainian op, or was this an internal Russian thing? We seem to be reading tea leaves. At least that's how it feels to me.

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