"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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A small example of the power problems mentioned before.

In a tragic incident reflecting Russia's deepening energy crisis, a 60-year-old Russian navy captain, Vladislav Shevashkevich, was found deceased in his home due to freezing temperatures. The unfortunate event occurred in the Vyborg district of St. Petersburg, located on the border with Finland, on January 3.

According to Shevashkevich's brother-in-law, Oleg, who spoke to 78.ru, the area had been experiencing power outages since December 29. The power company attributed the outages to snow accumulation on power lines, a claim contradicted by locals who reported no snowfall in the area for several days.
UK is increasing its support to Ukraine...hopefully, as with the provision of tanks, this will persuade other nations to at least maintain if not increase, their support:

Interesting that a large proportion of the coming year's effort will focus on providing UAVs to Ukraine.
UK is increasing its support to Ukraine...hopefully, as with the provision of tanks, this will persuade other nations to at least maintain if not increase, their support:

Interesting that a large proportion of the coming year's effort will focus on providing UAVs to Ukraine.
I wish the UK would also increase its own defence spending, especially for the RN. For the once premier global navy to be reduced to less than a dozen in-commission destroyers or frigates, with much of the supposedly active ships in-truth tied up in reserve, would seem unbelievable. The last time the RN was so run down the Dutch sailed up the Medway, bombarded the city and captured or fired what RN ships they could get.
I wish the UK would also increase its own defence spending, especially for the RN. For the once premier global navy to be reduced to less than a dozen in-commission destroyers or frigates, with much of the supposedly active ships in-truth tied up in reserve, would seem unbelievable.
Not any time soon I think:


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