"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I believe Ukraine keeps an eye on this. It may be worth to destroy the expensive rail-laying machines from time to time. Or they are waiting for bridges to be built and then destroy those.
I believe Ukraine keeps an eye on this. It may be worth to destroy the expensive rail-laying machines from time to time. Or they are waiting for bridges to be built and then destroy those.
I've had similar thoughts myself, especially when the Bridge gets mentioned. Russia has a large railroad network. Track repair is certainly something they are experienced with. I recall reading about a year(?) ago, the Russian railroads were having trouble sourcing ball bearings. So they might be having rolling stock issues. Track laying equipment are long lead, not built without an existing order, expensive items, at least here. Taking those items will really hurt. I'm guessing that the roster of rail road employees has already been reduced as it is. A strike on these work sites might be crippling. I think the area in question is within GLSDB range.
I'd like to think you're right, but I'm doubtful. The reason why they're making shell-shortages widely known, in my opinion, is because the cessation of American aid needs to be addressed, and if they make the shortage plain they hope it will unlock the logjam in Washington.
While the US government is in disarray, Canada and every other non-USA NATO country should hand over all their 155mm ammunition now. Here in Canada, for example we do not need it, and all of NATO can replenish their stocks over the coming year as production ramps up. There must be several million 155mm shells sitting in non-US NATO warehouses.

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An SU-57 "stealth fighter" needs an escort ?
A couple of things to consider:

1. It's not real stealthy by Western standards. With that in mind…

2. You put juicy targets around it to make sure your enemy doesn't drop one or more and make you look like shit. Which would also hurt your foreign military sales…

3. You put juicy, electronically dirty planes around it to mask its signature. You don't want anyone to gain intel on your newest toy.

4. They are reported to have less than a dozen total including prototypes. Its software is probably pretty basic as it hasn't been out very long and therefore hasn't had any real updates. But you do get to test it in real world conditions.

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