"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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I think the utter collapse of the US-trained Afghan Army as soon as the Taliban said boo was a shock to the Chinese and seen as an incentive to Putin. The Ukrainian example is the polar opposite.
The best training in the world cannot make up for motivation while motivation (and discipline) can make up for lacks in training. Dictators forget that at their peril...
They have been receiving western military training, especially US, since 2014. One thing that receives huge emphasis is mobility in combat. Whether you're a squad doing an anvil and hammer by flanking your enemy or using vehicles or battalion sized elements, staying in motion is key. While they have been fighting a defensive withdrawal (a very difficult operation in itself) successfully they're now in the position to move to the offensive and take up movements to the Russian flanks and rear. This is simply competent leadership from NCO's and up.
Major General Rasputitsa.

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