"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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Turnabout is fair play - Ukraine should issue arrest warrants for every single Russian Officer involved in the invasion, from Commanders all the way up to Shoigu.
That's a strange article, reports about a modified Leo1 but shows images of standard spec Leo1s.
From what I have gathered, the Gepards have been deployed to urban areas to enhance defences.

Mention of them does pop up every onve in a while, here's one such article from last February:

I want to deploy one to the Mopac in Austin. Just one, with me driving ... or shooting, if'n I can find a good chauffeur.


I'd shoot my way to the median and then pull a Wittman on them.
I want to deploy one to the Mopac in Austin. Just one, with me driving ... or shooting, if'n I can find a good chauffeur.

View attachment 784231

I'd shoot my way to the median and then pull a Wittman on them.
Ah.... I must admit that while driving in Toronto the thought that "if only half these people died in their sleep last night, I'd get where I was going" has come to me. But to be fair, we have, IIRC the worst highway congestion in North America.

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Ah.... I must admit that while driving in Toronto the thought that "if only half these people died in their sleep last night, I'd get where I was going" has come to me. But to be fair, we have, IIRC the worst highway congestion in North America.

View attachment 784305
Our answer to highway congestion is to tear up the highway. Problem solved.
Hey, it worked in SimCity!
The U.S. is sending to Ukraine air defense missiles that were contracted for purchase by other countries, the White House announced on Thursday.

The decision comes as Ukraine has pleaded with its supporters to send at least seven Patriot missile systems to defend against Russian assaults that are pummeling the country and targeting energy infrastructure.

"The United States has made the difficult decision to reprioritize near-term planned deliveries of foreign military sales to other countries, of particularly Patriot and NASAMS missiles, to go to Ukraine instead," said John Kirby, the White House national security communications advisor.

"The United States has a robust foreign military sales program where our defense industrial base produces and then exports materials to other countries, including air defense missiles. We're going to reprioritize the deliveries of these exports so those missiles rolling off the production line will be provided to Ukraine."

Kirby said that air defense munitions for Taiwan and Israel, in particular, would not be impacted. He said the U.S. had communicated to affected countries with pending foreign military sales, but couldn't detail how long the delays would be, and didn't mention specific countries.

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