"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Could the UAF units deployed to Kursk have been better deployed to Pokrovsk?

Perhaps. It very much depends what your strategic goals are. Just denying Russian advances in Pokrovsk may not be Ukraine's only objective.

The Russians appear to have a long, thin advance that's just asking to attacked and liquidated in a AFU pincer.

View attachment 795185

That 'long thin' advance is still 20km or more wide at its base. Plus, most of the southern extent has a series of waterways and rivers providing a natural defensive barrier.

Local Ukrainian forces are still reporting a 5:1 Russian manpower superiority in the area, plus ever heavier artillery and jamming support.

It looks like two fresh brigades (~3,000 to 4,000 troops total) have been deployed in the last few days.

The mystery is that Ukraine still has five or six other brigades that are supposedly ready for combat that still haven't been committed to any fighting. I wonder if Ukraine has another surprise in store?
The mystery is that Ukraine still has five or six other brigades that are supposedly ready for combat that still haven't been committed to any fighting. I wonder if Ukraine has another surprise in store?
Russia is committing their professional troops to the push, meaning they're at the head of that bulge.
Reserve troops will be used to hold the ground that's been taken.

If Ukraine launches a two-pronged counter attack at the base of the Bulge (from the north and south aling the original front), they'll be hitting the reservists and at the same time, cutting off the Elite Russian units.
Hopefully this is an isolated incident:

Whether exactly on topic or not, I was told that many European nations did away with electronic voting machines owing to the matter of foreign election interference.
Whether exactly on topic or not, I was told that many European nations did away with electronic voting machines owing to the matter of foreign election interference.
Russians have been aggressive with interfering with political groups sinve the Soviet Union.

The problem with this, is any rational, intelligent human should be able to see just how flawed Russia and it's system (Soviet or modern) happens to be.
Whether exactly on topic or not, I was told that many European nations did away with electronic voting machines owing to the matter of foreign election interference.
Told by whom? From what I understand, the only European countries to have trialled it have been Germany, Norway, Romania, Netherlands and Ireland and all of these were limited trials 15 - 20yrs ago when technology was far different. Belgium, Estonia and Bulgaria all use currently.

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