"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (20 Viewers)

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I think their carrier ops were already well beyond jeopardised...
But if Russia wants to remain as a Superpower (which is now questionable), they need to rebuild their Bluewater Navy.

As it stands, the Indian Navy has a far better carrier Ops than Russia - well, for that matter, so does Japan, Great Britain, Indonesia and lest we forget: China.
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I think there's a lot inside your first point, though I can't go very far into it, for forum rules. But I suspect everyone here is clear on who Putin prefers and why.

I don't know that an unfavorable American-election outcome will bring Putin to the table. I think he's staked his regime to a successful outcome to this war.
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About PLAN carriers:

And the aftermath of the ammo dumps attacks:


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