"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Or perhaps something like this?

''...they hoped their actions would encourage other Russian men to defy Moscow authorities and flee the war, now in its third year.
"Maybe, thanks to my example, someone will be inspired and want to quit the army," said Alexander, who unwittingly took part in Moscow's invasion of Ukraine.
"The weaker the army at the front is, the fewer people there are, the quicker the war will end and Ukraine will win

''...the day the war broke out changed everything. "I realised that from now on I won't move a finger to support this," he said...''

Ukraine's bomber drones offensive.

"In 2022-2023, the Armed Forces of Ukraine hit Russian military targets a total of 17 times. In January-September 2024, there were more than 30 such effective strikes."

"We cannot send a thousand bombers a time over Germany every time, as yet. But the time will come when we can do so." (Air Marshal Arthur T. Harris, June 1942).

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