"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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"Brave" Russian soldiers wantonly killed innocent civilians on their way out. Some even had their hands tied behind their backs and we are supposed to consider the Russian SOBs as Human? Putin should tried as a War Criminal and executed as slowly and painfully as possible. Him and all of his staff.
I would prefer to think the Russian troops were so poorly trained and led that this caused this breakdown of humanity. It seems this is business as usual for Russian leadership.
I've met and worked with many Russians. Except for the cool "Boris Badenov" accents, they're the same as everybody else. Not a deep cultural psychological analysis of course.
If militaries are representative of their leadership, that's where the fault lay.
It was an American officer (warrant officer?) who intervened in the massacre at My LaI.
I do not know if this has been posted, but re the claims that the videos of RF helos being shot down are fake. The CheckYourFact.com site is owned by The Daily Caller which is(was?) owned by Tucker Carlson and another right wing nutcase Neil Patel. I am not saying their statements are untrue, but it is interesting. As Admiral Beez says - we need to check our sources.

"The Daily Caller"
The medal is for Jed. A very informative post. Thanks for the information on the Daily Caller.
Ukraine's forces regained full control of the region around capital city Kyiv on Saturday for the first time since Russia invaded the country at the end of February, according to a Ukrainian official.

Hanna Malyar, the deputy minister for Ukraine's defense ministry, shared the news in a Facebook post. Malyar said Ukrainians should still refrain from returning to their homes, citing ongoing efforts to clear the area, including from leftover mines.

Earlier this week, Russia said it was withdrawing forces from around Kyiv and the city of Chernihiv, but President Biden expressed skepticism about the claim and the Pentagon said Moscow was actually "repositioning" troops.

Love this part:
"Moscow says, without proof or any reliability, that its war aims in central Ukraine have been achieved, and they never included capturing Kyiv."

Ok then. So what exactly was the objective, to see how badly they could get their ass kicked?
This is so Soviet and so Orwellian...
"Oceania was at war with Eurasia: therefore Oceania had always been at war with Eurasia.".

I was 12 y.o. when I discovered the full 2nd edition of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia in the library on board my Dad's ship.
Article "Albania": ...friendly Albania under attack of the fascist Tito's regime of Yugoslavia...
Article "Yugoslavia": ... friendly Yugoslavia had to deal with the threat of Maoist clique in Albania...
WTF? The first volumes of that massive (51 vol.) edition were printed in the Stalin era, when Albania was good and Yugoslavia evil.
The last volumes - at the end of the 1950s after Khruschev befriended Tito but Albania sided with Bejing in the Soviet-China split.
The distance from Kyiv to Moscow is only ~540 miles (870 km). A Mig-29 loaded with DTs and a couple of bombs, flying from Antonov Airport, could easily reach Moscow. Whether they could return safely (fuel wise) I do not know.
Tochka-U ballistic missile can do this job without a need to return. But Moscow's defences are too strong and the city itself does not represent a valuable target in this war for Ukraine.
As for the other, more feasible targets, Ukrainian forces can attack across the border using the weapons available. And most probably they will attack, notwithstanding what Washington approves or not.
I don't like to distribute atrocity videos and sorry if I violate the forum's rules. But it makes sense to watch this one at least once.
I'm afraid it's just the beginning of what will be discovered in many other places in future.
Bucha, Kyiv region, Ukraine. All civilians.
The Russian military says it has struck an oil processing plant and fuel depots around the strategic Black Sea port of Odesa.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj.-Gen. Igor Konashenkov said Russian ships and aircraft fired missiles on Sunday to strike the facilities, which he said were used to provide fuel to Ukrainian troops near Mykolaiv.

Konashenkov also said Russian strikes destroyed ammunition depots in Kostiantynivka and Khresyshche.

In an audio message posted by Italian news agency ANSA, Italian photographer Carlo Orlandi said Odessa woke to military sirens at 5:45 a.m. Sunday, followed immediately by the sounds of bombs falling on the port city from two aircraft.

He described a column of dark smoke rising from the targets, and flames from the buildings.

"What we can see is a dense screen of dark smoke, and one explosion after the other,″ Orlandi said.

Indeed. It's rather easy for Ukraine to liberate the areas around Kiyv when the enemy has departed. Instead of celebrating the Ukrainians had better be preparing for a new massive assault from the east.

The statements I've read from Ukrainian officials indicate that this is exactly what they're doing. The Ukrainians also have the benefit of interior lines as well as having surplus troops available due to the withdrawal.

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