"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again."

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I reckon it's a hell of a lot easier to source F-16 parts even without that sort of investment, especially when we're asking Russia for parts to repair airplanes flying against them. NATO builds the parts in Norway and Holland, no need for stores-ships, no need to beg parts from a Russian government we're fighting to repair the -29s, and the Ukrainians can either fly or cannibalize them as they see fit.

That alone makes trading -29s for -16s look nice. The goddamned F-16s can actually fly? And we can resupply? Sign me up! Give the MiGs to the Ukrainians, backfill with F-16s, it's all good.
i think PAF was and is fully committed to such trade and removing all MIG and Su from inventory - unfortunately in this case politicians are making decisions not soldiers - i think continuation of discussion in this matter is somehow pointless.
From Avweb:

"It's just one plane but Ukrainian forces quickly let the world know that they had shot down one of Russia's most capable aircraft Sunday. A video and photos posted online Sunday showed an Su-35 diving vertically before pancaking in the Kharkiv region. Various sources confirmed that photos showed the wreck of an Su-35, which is considered Russia's most elite and modern platform. It entered full service in 2018."

"Like the F-22, the Su-35 has thrust vectoring engines making it very maneuverable. It also capable of super cruise. It's a remake of the 1980s Su-27 and is worth about $50 million. The plane in Ukraine was shot down by a ground-air missile and was recognizable after crashing in what appears to be a cultivated field. The pilot ejected and was captured by Ukrainian forces. Although there have been reports of dozens of Russian aircraft shot down by the Ukrainians, only 19 kills have been confirmed."

It always cracks me up how the 70s sci-fi space fighters all seem to have air inlets. The little one in the foreground looks like a MiG-21 with a bad case of blueballs, to me, lol.

I always thought it weird how the Cylon Raiders went into battle with three Cylons on board... The Boulton Paul Defiant of sci-fi...

Come to think of it...

It's even got a traversing gun behind the pilot.

Carry on...
Yes, really. The onboard avionics of the F-16 are more independent of ground direction, implying fewer support personnel and less infrastructure for command & control.

The -16 seems to have better weapons available for air-to-air (four AMRAAMs vs 2 Alamos for the -29 for medium range, 4 AIM-9s vs 6 Archers for short-range work), and is more capable in CAS, carrying a broad variety of PGMs.

It's also data-link compatible with NATO AWACs craft, which I'm not sure the Polish -29s are up-to-date on given that they haven't seen much recent use.

The supply of spare parts is also much more reliable, especially given current affairs, meaning that the F16s will probably spend more time actually flying.

So yeah, I'd gladly make that swap if I were in charge of the PAF.
...I'd trade MiG-29s for F-16s any day of the week.....

Okay, okay, I had misunderstood you for saying that you would rather have a MiG 29, then an F-16. my bad,
I stand correted and we are totally in agreement

Aha! Found it.

My first BFM with a MiG-29 was against Spanky. More later, I have to do a Nassau turn…

flying a german MiG-29 ?
The Luftwaffe had taken over the ex. NVA MiG 29's, so Luftwaffe decals and numbers
Or was it so new in US service they forgot to remove german tactical numbers?
It was never in US service - the US Major was invited to evaluate the Luftwaffe owned MiG 29's
According to a site this a/c should be #4109 in Poland now
Could very well be, since all remaining Luftwaffe MiG 29's were handed over to the Polish air-force in 2004

There's the whiney bitch again...

They claim they have have not killed a single civilian and all civilian deaths are "staged" by Ukraine.

A lot to read through in this text but it's the first comprehensive study I've seen of Russian and Ukrainian materiel losses based on videos and photographic evidence. The current running tally is that Russia lost 2,406 pieces of military equipment – including tanks, armoured vehicles and military aircraft - compared with 677 losses for Ukraine. Now, Russia is much better able to swallow those losses than is Ukraine....but the disparity is still telling. Here's the analysis based on video and photographic evidence:

When they say "Russia lost equipment", I'm assuming that they're including equipment apropiated by the Tractor Brigade, too.


Actually, I suspect not. Equipment that can still be dragged around can be altered to make it look sufficiently different that double counting may occur. I believe the study is only based on destroyed equipment. Happy to be proven wrong, though.

LONDON, April 4 (Reuters) - Military conscripts in the Russian-backed Donbas region have been sent into front-line combat against Ukrainian troops with no training, little food and water, and inadequate weapons, six people in the separatist province told Reuters.

The new accounts of untrained and ill-equipped conscripts being deployed are a fresh indication of how stretched the military resources at the Kremlin's disposal are, over a month into a war that has seen Moscow's forces hobbled by logistical problems and held up by fierce Ukrainian resistance.

One of the people, a student conscripted in late February, said a fellow fighter told him to prepare to repel a close-quarter attack by Ukrainian forces in southwest Donbas but "I don't even know how to fire an automatic weapon."

The student and his unit fired back and evaded capture, but he was injured in a later battle. He did not say when the fighting took place.

While some information indicating poor conditions and morale among Donbas conscripts has emerged in social media and some local media outlets, Reuters was able to assemble one of the most comprehensive pictures to date.

Besides the student draftee, Reuters spoke to three wives of conscripts who have mobile phone contact with their partners, one acquaintance of a draftee, and one source close to the pro-Russian separatist leadership who is helping to organize supplies for the Donbas armed forces.


Several Donbas draftees have been issued with a rifle called a Mosin, which was developed in the late 19th century and went out of production decades ago, according to three people who saw conscripts from the separatist region using the weapon. Images shared on social media, that Reuters has not been able to verify independently, also showed Donbas fighters with Mosin rifles.

The student said he was forced to drink water from a fetid pond because of lack of supplies. Two other sources in contact with draftees also told Reuters the men had to drink untreated water.


After being pushed to the front line near the port of Mariupol -- scene of the heaviest fighting in the war -- a group of about 135 Donbas conscripts laid down their arms and refused to fight on, according to Veronika, the partner of a conscript, who said her husband was among them. Marina, partner of another conscript, said she had been in contact with a friend who was part of the same group.


None of the five draftees had prior military experience or training, and four of the five were given no training before they were sent into combat, according to the injured draftee, the three wives of conscripted men, and the acquaintance.


All the accounts gathered by Reuters mentioned an acute shortage of supplies. The sources described little or no safe drinking water, field rations for one man being shared among several, and units having to scavenge food.

"We drank water with dead frogs in it," said the student conscript.

"Supplies for the soldiers right now are a disaster," said the source close to the Donetsk separatist leadership, who spoke on condition of anonymity.

This is the military machine we're supposed to be afraid of.

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