"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Hundreds of civilian vehicles being mowed down?



Sorry, but that is full of crap. I spent 14 months there, did you? I can tell you that no coalition force indiscriminately mowed down any civilian vehicles.

How do I know this?

There were not hundreds of piled up vehicles in front of our gates. Each camp had signs up telling drivers to slow there vehicle and not approach until called upon.

The only vehicles fired upon were those that ignored the signs and drove at high speed toward the gate. Why were they driving at high speed toward the gate? Because they were insurgents aka the enemy. An insurgent is considered a combative, and as such is not a civilian. Think about it, and lay off the kool-aid a bit.

The US and the Coalition had strict rules of engagement to prevent civilian casualties. Does it prevent all? No, unfortunately not. In many ways it forced us to fight with our hands behind our backs, and many US and coalition troops died because they waited too late to open fire because they thought the insurgents were civilians.

I had a child point a PVC pipe at my helicopter as if it were a MANPAD. At a distance it looked like one. I hesitate a second longer before shooting at him, and thankfully realized it was a PVC pipe and not a MANPAD. If it had been one, that second of hesitation would have likely killed our entire crew. Fortunately for everyone involved, I did not fire on him and we all lived another day.

But if you cannot see the difference between the USA and NATO and what Russia is doing then it is you who has a problem.
If you prefer to shut your eyes towards actual occurrences and hundreds of interviews and articles by our "free Western press" - up to you.


I guess my eyes were closed the entire time I was there.

Show me pics of hundreds of massacred Iraqi Civilians and cars. Lets see the the bodies piling up. Where are these actual occurrences of coalition troops "mowing down" hundreds of civilians?
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I find it highly offensive that anyone would compare what the Russians are doing to what any western NATO nation has done regarding civilian casualties.

Civilian's are the ones who suffer the most in any war, however, one side takes care to limit civilian pain and suffering. The other takes great care to cause it.

Well-written ... this could be the conclusion of a good passing thesis, in that it wraps up several different trends and strands of history to help explain this current situation. Bravo Zulu.
They did hit them. Just not so often as other targets. Earlier today they have attacked a railway in the Donetsk region and three evacuation trains with civilians were stuck.
You can't refuse OR accept a view that you can't understand, and it's not just those in power who are thus afflicted, it's the general population, who are fed "information" of a bias confirming sort that narrows their vision.
Our boy Putin is a "true believer" in the Eric Hoffer sense, an unreconstructed soviet with a 21st century sheen on his hammer and sickle. Even his skeptical classmates from school days say he always was a dedicated communist from the get-go. His first duty station out of KGB school was with GDR internal security, where a particularly harsh version of communism was practiced, and even they found him a bit hard to take.
I think his sense of "blood and soil" kinship to his fellow ethnic slavs, the Ukrainians, blinded him to the rapid shift in their deeply held allegiances in the last decade. His image of pre-2008 Ukraine hasn't been updated, and he thinks the separatists are representative of Ukrainians as a whole. I think he sincerely believed he was offering them liberation from a poorly understood "puppet statehood" to the west. Remember, he was raised by a generation whose personal experience of the west was limited to the nazis. Small wonder.
Once his attempt at a swift "bloodless" coup bogged down and failed, his generals followed their cold war style playbooks for reducing resistance and pacifying conquered territories, using an army designed for a nuclear WWIII and not suited for asymmetric urban warfare. Meanwhile, the mouthpieces rumbled on, oblivious to The Emperor's nudity.
Anyone who's paid attention to Chechnya, Georgia, or Syria knows how that playbook goes. Only now it's being applied to blue eyed, blond, eloquent, white people, and we're sitting up and taking notice.
The "troops" who are committing atrocities are either untrained conscripts or mercenaries.
Young and untrained, led by incompetent officers, and being mowed down left and right. They are more a mob than soldiers. Forced to scavenge and becoming animals. No training, no discipline. This is what Field Marshal Kaputin fielded.
Being a gifted KGB officer, he brought out his correct political thought team, Wagner Group, when folks resisted liberation.
My two cents.
To you and me, but not to the Czar and those willing to listen to him.
We don't need to care what Putin thinks nor what the Russian people think. This war isn't going to end by winning over the hearts and minds of the Russian people or enciting regime change. Putin and the Russian people have played their hand. This war will end when the Russians are defeated in the field and pushed out of Ukraine and when Ukraine is strong enough to prevent future Russian attacks. After that Russians can sit in their now sanctioned and boycotted sh#thole of a failed state and rot. Our job in the West is to expedite the above.
Murdered civilians near coalition installations during the Iraq war. Huh? I don't remember any of that happening while I was there? Hmmm…
I do. Numerous Coalition checkpoints and installations were targeted by suicide bombers. They usually attacked at times calculated to cause maximum carnage among the civilians waiting to get in or out. Same thing happened in Afghanistan. 13 Marines died during the evacuation, but hundreds of Afghan civilians, attempting to flee for their lives, perished.
That the US followed up with a poorly executed drone strike that killed a carload of friendlies is just the icing on the cake of that debacle.

What you describe is not the "mowing down" and murdering of civilians that he claimed.

Did you run around shooting at civilians for sport? Where you ordered to? If so, lets put your ass in jail. Of course I know you did not. Why? Because we don't have a policy of doing those things. Because we place a value on human life. We try and mitigate civilian casualties. That is a fact.
The "troops" who are committing atrocities are either untrained conscripts or mercenaries.

I think it's far too early to draw that conclusion.

There have been dozens (at least) of document atrocities across occupied areas of Ukraine. Including plenty in areas where elite and professional Russian army forces are the primary operating forces.
Correct. Methinks he is channeling his "Full Metal Jacket" flashbacks.

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