"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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And yet CIPS operates at a tiny fraction of the level of SWIFT. Democratic nations, which make up the vast majority of international trade, are not going to flip from SWIFT to CIPS. Yes, CIPS may get a larger share of the pie but I just don't see it getting a dominant slice.
My view is that the invasion was going to be a cake walk. And that was planned for. Not what is going on now.

Also the West is united. Even this forum is united. So that must be a first.

If Putin and the Russian forces genuinely believed this was a peace keeping mission then this would account for the mess.

The idea that Putin would be overthrown in some kind of coup is wishful. Dictators always fill the highest ranks with lackeys and yes men. So no.

Maybe Putin wants to invade other countries or expects invasion. He will need the bulk of his forces and air power for the wars to come.
It's a snowball effect. One you start to weaponize the SWIFT or the dollar, more and more actors will move away from it in fear of getting caught in situations like these. Other systems will also rise, tied to other currencies. India already announced that is shifting its trade with Russia from dollars to Rupees. Most likely, other BRICS nations will follow.

And I wouldn't discount large corporations keeping a foot in both boats for the time being or finding ways to circumvent sanctions. They have no moral compass and their only obligations are to their shareholders. Take Apple, for example: it has now 23% of the smartphone market in China. Do you think they will give up all that income in case China and the US relationship will deteriorate?

There is a common phrase in Mandarin that roughly translates: "A lot of help, with a little badmouth." The phrase means that even 'friends' will have to criticize your actions from time to time. But so long as those 'friends' are advancing your interests on the important things, you will overlook that.
Thing about being rich is that you want to be richer. Being rich and then losing money is bad. So let's not do that.

Obviously Russia can survive sanctions. That is not a debate. But at what cost?

Would you be 30% poorer? Would you like that to happen? Could you survive that? Just because you can survive doesn't make it good.

In my view sanctions will hit very very hard plus now the West is going to place even further NATO forces against Russia.

So all Putin will show is a poorer Russia, stronger more aggressively NATO, and whatever disaster will be salvaged from Ukraine. So yeah. How will that be shown in a positive light?

And none of these events had to happen.
i thought about diverting some of USAF ordered machines -- just shifting order of deliveries - Poland already did payed two tranches for F35 - US did it couple of times for Israel why not for Poland? I know that LM is rapidly upgrading its factory in Mielec for F16 th assembly - sure they stated that initiially it will be just "front, middle and aft part of fuselage" - PW factory in Rzeszow has been already tooled for F100-220 assembly - i bet that LM plan is transfer most of the F16 program to Poland just to let focus their US assembly lines on F35 program
Most Russians tends to become Nihilists with age. I was told it's something that even predate the hardships suffered under the soviet rule. It's just a way of life. Newer generations exposed to internet and the western culture may be different but there's a large disconnect between the people living in Moscow or in other few cities on the European and those living in smaller towns the middle of nowhere in that vast land.

I was there the last year at the height of the pandemic. In all the large cities there were structures where you could get your vaccine shot by simply asking. The newsreels broadcasted interviews to doctors and testimonials literally begging people to get vaccinated. I asked a Russian person I know why so few Russians chose to be vaccinated and she simply shrugged off the question: "maybe it's not safe" she replied "maybe it is - but I'd rather take my chances getting Covid than using medicines. Surviving a disease makes you stronger".
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Problem is people will bet in a winning horse.

Not a losing horse.

Ever watch Game of Thrones? A king who has to go round telling people he is the King is not true king.

We got Putin threatening nuclear war every half hour. Is that the sign of a sensible and reasonable fellow?

I will be extremely annoyed if he launches nuclear war on Friday. Why not today? Means I don't have to work.
In this case, once the dust settles, the winning horse will be China. Europe is acting the way it is, instead of taking a more cautious approach, to appease Washington. Russia is stuck between an uneasy alliance with China and a western world whose only goal has always been putting their hands on their immense reserves of raw materials (and they nearly succeeded when Yeltsin was president). Other players are remaining at the window or they support tepidly the western side for fear or lack of better alternative.

Look for a Kissinger interview he gave in 2016; among the various subjects touched there was the Ukraine situation and he pretty much predicted what would happen and why the west was doing a favour to China by continuing to push Russia in a corner. Kissinger is possibly the greatest strategist of the 20th century and he was instrumental in winning the cold war. I'd trust what he says over the word of any other politician today.

People know one thing.

Do you think Poland is thinking or Finland is thinking?

They know they been invaded by Russia in the past and they don't want more.

Stop Russia in Kyiv before they get to Helsinki.

This has nothing to do with America or China. Stop changing the subject.

Japan only used Kamikaze tactics because they knew they were going to be invaded. Europe is only doing what they are doing because they are under genuine threat. They are scared. Not of China or America but because a country has invaded another country for no reason and now threatens other countries.

Stop being a Russian Bot and think for yourself.
Why hasn't this convoy been destroyed overnight?

Let's keep the debate civil. No need to make personal attacks. Attack the message, not the poster.
The latest twist…..according to US officials, Belarus is now considering deploying its own forces to support the Russian invasion.
That should speed up what could be called the Slavic Spring of 2022-2025. The Belarusians also want to be Europeans and won't put up with being involved in a modern day Holodomor. Lukashenko's going to end up like Ceaușescu.

As for other former Soviet republics, Georgia's president can see the future and chose the right side.

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