"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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^^^^^^^ Understood completely, but surely, SURELY, the Russians thought this through, and planned for such matters. I would have, and I'm just a four-year infantryman, not a logistics goober. Surely they'd have planned this stuff better, or, it's all propaganda............................................. You literally cannot trust anything you hear or read about, from any sources, these days.

All planning is based on assumptions...get the assumptions wrong, and the entire plan collapses. As others have noted, the biggest problem (and it's a built-in constraint) is the lack of sufficient organic logistical resources within Russian army formations.

Russian planning may have assumed a certain rate of progress but if that rate isn't achieved, you need a Plan B. If the planners didn't develop that Plan B, then they'll have problems...and that's likely what we're seeing here.
Meanwhile here in Canada our new Minister of Defence is focused on sexual misconduct and #metoo issues.

It's really unfortunate that you make this claim without context. While I, along with many, lament the state of Canada's armed forces, mention of a little-known (internationally) long term mandate announced by Minister Anand 5 months ago when things were very different only serves to further erode any negative preconceptions about our military state. To say that our minister is "focused" on those issues suggests that the pressing issues in Ukraine are taking a back seat to a long-term initiative and that's unfair.

Canada has taken a strong, consistent and unified stance with our allies against this Russian aggression. We had forces personnel in the Ukraine as recently as last month and are now supplying military hardware and ammo. Yes, our contribution is small in the grand scheme of things but to suggest that we are an inward-looking outlier in all of this is plain wrong.
It's really unfortunate that you make this claim without context. While I, along with many, lament the state of Canada's armed forces, mention of a little-known (internationally) long term mandate announced by Minister Anand 5 months ago when things were very different only serves to further erode any negative preconceptions about our military state. To say that our minister is "focused" on those issues suggests that the pressing issues in Ukraine are taking a back seat to a long-term initiative and that's unfair.

Canada has taken a strong, consistent and unified stance with our allies against this Russian aggression. We had forces personnel in the Ukraine as recently as last month and are now supplying military hardware and ammo. Yes, our contribution is small in the grand scheme of things but to suggest that we are an inward-looking outlier in all of this is plain wrong.
All good points. Anand was chosen for this role in order to focus on cleaning up sexual misconduct and harassment issues. That was her focus. With the collapse of the CPC, Trudeau is guaranteed a majority at the next election, but that doesn't stop him from virtue signaling in these appointments of inexperienced yet seemingly gender/ethnically/linguistically correct roles.

But yes Canada's stance with Ukraine has been solid. I just hope Anand remembers to replace asap those MANPATs she's just taken from CAF stores and donated to Ukraine. And maybe she can push her boss to meet our 2% defence spending commitment to NATO.
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Sadly, they are not an outlier. Here in the US much training time over the years has been wasted pursuing politically fashionable social agendas, whereas the focus should always be on training to the highest standard in warfighter skills to deter, and if necessary, defeat any foreign aggression.
All good points. Anand was chosen for this role in order to focus on cleaning up sexual misconduct and harassment issues. That was her focus. With the collapse of the CPC, Trudeau is guaranteed a majority at the next election, but that doesn't stop him from virtue signaling in these appointments of inexperienced yet seemingly gender/ethnically/linguistically correct roles.

But yes Canada's stance with Ukraine has been solid. I just hope Anand remembers to replace asap those MANPATs she's just taken from CAF stores and donated to Ukraine. And maybe she can push her boss to meet our 2% defence spending commitment to NATO.

Agree with all you say. I just felt that it was important to set the record straight and not dredge up completely unrelated and little-known Canadian political issues with our international forum mates that risks making us look like a bunch of idiots. God knows we don't need any help in that regard.....
Canada and all other NATO members except the US (3.42%), Greece (2.24%), Estonia (2.13%), the UK (2.13%), Romania (2.04%), and Poland (2.01%).

Key words in that agreement: "by 2025" (something that some people don't mention).

Having said that, I think everyone can agree that meeting that requirement sooner is better in light of our current situation.
Canada and all other NATO members except the US (3.42%), Greece (2.24%), Estonia and UK (2.13%), Romania (2.04%), and Latvia and Poland (2.01%).
I expect the Germans will exceed 2.5% by the end of 2022. They'll be pulling double shifts at KMW, Dynamit Nobel AG and Eurofighters, etc. The Luftwaffe has some capability gaps to fill, like an attack helicopter. Time to make some calls to Italy's Agusta for their A129 Mangusta.
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Key words in that agreement: "by 2025" (something that some people don't mention).

Having said that, I think everyone can agree that meeting that requirement sooner is better in light of our current situation.

Yes...plus the mandate isn't actually to achieve that level. It's merely to aspire to meet that level. I'm paraphrasing but it's typical "peace dividend" weasel-wording so that countries can say they're trying without being actually held to a real target.

Hopefully, recent events will encourage ALL NATO members to up their game and bolster their military forces. At the end of the Cold War, the RAF numbered about 95,000 personnel with 36 fast-jet squadrons (including OCUs). Today, the RAF has just 33,000 personnel and 10 fast-jet squadrons, and that doesn't factor in the reduction in assets like MPAs from 5 squadrons in the late-80s to just 9 aircraft today.

The big problem, at least for the RAF, is that they sold off all the unused airfields, or transformed them to non-flying uses, including Coltishall, Chivenor, Honington, Kinloss, Leuchars, St.Mawgan, Wattisham, Wyton, not to mention the 4 bases the RAF closed in Germany (Laarbruch, Wildenrath, Gutersloh, Bruggen). It'll be a REALLY tough task to grow front-line strength when there aren't sufficient airfields to house any additional squadrons.
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I'm sure spending will go up now. Putin's sitzkrieg was a wake up call to all. NATO caught a break (a little).
Some very interesting analysis on the background to the current conflict:

Apparently during a meeting with then president Trump he told him that the nuclear option was on the table if war broke out. Not sure the validity of this, so take it for what it is. I guess Putin threatening with nukes should not surprise anyone anyhow.

"Additionally, Hill said in one of the final meetings between Trump and Putin — where she was present — Putin tried to warn Trump about this very possibility but she didn't "think Trump figured out what he was saying."

She said: "Putin was making the point that: 'Well you know, Donald, we have these hypersonic missiles.' And Trump was saying, 'Well, we will get them too.' Putin was saying, 'Well, yes, you will get them eventually, but we've got them first.'"

Colonel Oleksandr "Grey Wolf" Oksanchenko who was the Ukrainian Air Force Flanker display pilot between 2013-2018 has lost his life on Friday night when his jet was shot down over Kyiv by Russian S-400 Triumph Air Defence Missile System.
Col. Oksanchenko, considered one of the world's best display pilots, posthumously awarded the title of "Hero of Ukraine" by President Zelensky.
Col. Oksanchenko was not only a very experienced pilot who won a number of awards for the best flying display at many events across Europe, but he was also a true fan of airshows.
Despite leaving the active service and joining the reserves in late 2018 he volunteered to remain in the Ukrainian Flanker Solo Display Team as a coach/advisor and travelled with the team during the 2019 display season which was also the last airshow season for the team.
He came out of retirement to defend his country from the Russian invasion and paid the highest price. Col. Oksanchenko was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of Ukraine by the president of the Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
Blue Skies Sir!

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