"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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If it is true (doubtfull i must say) this will not going to be a peace keeping task. Bunch of very weak, poorly trained band of hooligans will not be a problem for Nato in anger.

The Ukrainian offensive towards Kherson is clearly designed to split the Russian front in order to provide an opportunity for defeat in detail of at least the Russian forces occupying the Black Sea coast. That has to be done if Ukraine wants to keep its economy going.

If my guess is in the neighborhood of being right, only after the sea-coast is cleared will the Ukrainians attempt to clear the Donbas. Ukrainian forces in the south can then pivot on their right flank and present a southern threat to Russian forces in the Donbas -- if enough Ukrainian men and supplies are in place.

This is not to say that Ukraine is or is not capable of pulling off this plan; but if they are, it could be feasible. At the very least, if the Ukrainians take Kherson, they've emplaced a major impediment to any Russian withdrawal from the south coast.
What do you mean? The NATO peacekeeping mission is Kosovo has been highly successful and effective. KFOR has been maintaining the peace for over 2 decades now.
Many others.
Although, I believe the equation has changed. Western leaders are recognizing that they cannot turn a blind eye to aggression in the hopes of avoiding "escalation." It's what Putin was counting on when he started this mess.

Yeah, but we are talking directly about Serbia and Kosovo which has an effective and highly successful NATO peace keeping mission. Why would Serbia think anything different?
Because desperate people do desperate things.
Perhaps he's just rattling sabres because Putin needs him to cause a distraction.
Or maybe he sees this as his last chance at reasserting Serbian control, while everyone is preoccuppied with Ukraine.

NATO did not intervene in Rwanda. I don't think they did so in Congo. The intervention in the Balkans did actually quell the war there.
The Serbians do like to start global conflagrations.

The Serbians certainly do like to push buttons. Every time we flew border traces along the Serbian-Kosovo border, the Serbs would light up their SAM radars and paint us even though we were clearly on the Kosovo side of the line.

Good times…
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I wonder if Putin is using this to try and estimate how willing Nato are to actually fight. If Serbia do take action and Nato go into it's, 'oh dear lets talk about it mode'. Then that might encourage him to push his luck in Ukraine.
If Nato do react with force, then its bad luck on Serbia, which wouldn't worry him one jot.
You know Putin is trying to find ways to distract from Ukraine and Serbia would be one such attempt.

As far as the great Russian Navy being a world power, they have to get past Ukraine before taking on the USN. So far, that's not really working out too well.

The above mentioned Congo and Rwanda situations were not handled by NATO, it was UN peacekeeping missions.

Does NATO have an obligation to defend Croatia?

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