"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (9 Viewers)

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Already done!

Fortunately, or unfortunately, depends, I have lots of friends in Gaming, Programming and streaming Communities, from both sides!

I did this when I discovered the P-39 thread that also runs a few hundred pages, to which I was a late-comer as well: did my usual reading and shitposting when others here were active, and when no conversations were active here (later at night, weekends, etc) I'd keep following up that thread. It took me a few weeks but I caught up. I don't like missing the little eddies in a whirlpool of conversation.

This thread, I will say, is much more worthy of complete reading. We share news, information, experiences, speculation, and cheers without the trollery that was happening in the Thread That is Groundhog Day®.

This thread, in a sense, is a form of living history in that it has many members posting much info from a wide variety of sources. It's much better than simply following one or two main news sources; you get links to articles on the Ukraine War from all over the place and can chase them down at your leisure as your interest is piqued. I have learnt so much here, both about the war and the countries fighting it.
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"A British Defense Ministry intelligence update this week said the fleet has been in an "extremely defensive posture" in the waters off Crimea, barely venturing beyond the coast. The Russian fleet's "limited effectiveness undermines Russia's overall invasion strategy," the British said. "This means Ukraine can divert resources to press Russian ground forces elsewhere.""

This reminds me of how after the cruiser General Belgrano was sunk the Argentine navy returned to port and played no further part in the invasion of the Falklands. This allowed the British forces to be focused elsewhere.
Russia has a history of 'extremely defensive posture' when it comes to it's navy.

One little known fact. In WW2 the Soviet surface fleet (above MTB's) sank, nothing, not even a merchant ship, in the entire war.
Nonsense, neither France nor Germany will do such a dick move.
Neither can be trusted to stick with Ukraine long term.

Neither can be trusted to stick with Ukraine long term.

On the other hand, they are not supplying nearly so much equipment or training as America or the UK, so whatever pressure those nations may decide to apply has much less leverage.
France and Germany both have a long history of political posturing, so take what you read with a grain of salt. Macron has been going on about "talks" since March - continuing to say this keeps him relevant.

France has provided a considerable amount of aid (military and otherwise) to Ukraine, but both French and Ukrainian officials don't talk much about it in the public forum.

Germany is the "waffle master", when it comes to aid. They have indeed provided a great deal, but have a history of backing out of promised material and I suspect this is due to squabbles inside their political circles.
Did you see the HIMARS launching a cigarette?
Ive heard a report on some channel that Russian personnel have been told not to show up at the Nuclear power plant and they are threatening to shut it down. Is it now possible that Orclanders intend to cause a melt down?
Ive heard a report on some channel that Russian personnel have been told not to show up at the Nuclear power plant and they are threatening to shut it down. Is it now possible that Orclanders intend to cause a melt down?
It's possible, but they seem to forget that prevailing winds will cause fallout to drift to the east - which is Russia.
Unless Putin wants to use the fallout as a ruse excuse to claim that Russia is being nuked and he is obligated to retaliate...
Nearly two thousand tanks destroyed. Just how many more operational tanks does Russia have?

some sources suggesting that they have lost nearly 80% of tanks equipped with "modern" fire control systems - most they are sending in combat right now are blind in limited visibility conditions... probably this assasement is quite optymistic but for sure orcs army is not in the shape they have been in february and this process will speed up
Drones aside, we've yet to see the UAF field any NATO/EU origin fixed wing and rotary combat aircraft. I assume the UAF is busily training on these types. When can we expect to see the first UAF F-16, JAS 39, AH64, etc?

And for that matter, any plans or timeline for UAF Abrams, Leo2 or Challengers? Or is the idea still to reinforce NATO's eastern members with these types so to free up more T-72s for donation to Ukraine? How many T-72s can there possibly be left in Europe to donate?
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