"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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There was a recent press release stating that freshly trained Ukraine soldiers are headed to Ukraine from the UK and it was a substantial amount of men.
There was a recent press release stating that freshly trained Ukraine soldiers are headed to Ukraine from the UK and it was a substantial amount of men.

I think that's about 10-12,000 men? I seem to remember reading numbers in that ballpark. That's a small division. Put them into consolidation duties, let them be blooded there, and you'll have more veteran troops to push forward if you can manage that.

Is there something I've missed?

Nothing says "elite" quite like recruiting from prisons.

It hearkens back to the days when judges in America would give convicts the option of going to prison, or enlisting. Ask the Vietnamese how that worked out.

TL/DR: Scraping bottom of barrel.
There was a recent press release stating that freshly trained Ukraine soldiers are headed to Ukraine from the UK and it was a substantial amount of men.
I wonder if another 10-15,000 Ukranian soldiers will now rotate through the UK. Now that the training scheme is up and running I assume NATO will keep it going until Ukraine has 100,000 plus advanced trained soldiers. These will then train other Ukrainian recruits until by summer 2023 Ukraine will have half a million soldiers trained and equipped, ready to go. By autumn 2023 the place is going to be like Sparta, where every free man is a soldier.

Ukraine government news says it's 5,000. So it's probably at least three times that.

While I agree the 'probability' of your interpretation, let's review the bidding.
1.) Russia, China, US and probably UK, France and India (maybe Pakistan, maybe Iran) have a full range of offensive options avialable in the grab bag.
The grab bagtools and delivery mechanisms - independent of sane oversight (Russia is no the only entity where 'sane' is questionable'), are
CBW including Covid, Smallpox, variations on Ebola, Sarin, etc., etc.
Nucs ranging from back pack to Boomers
EMP by nuc, by advanced 'Fly by'
Hacking Grid systems
Economic manipulation - financial, energy, food/fertilizer, political
Kinetic capabilities

2.) Russia has exercised 1. Kinetics, 2.) hacking grid systems, 3.) economic manipulation but has all the others available depending on will and perceived risk to Russia.

3.) US/NATO strategy that has been useful to Ukraine in DEFENSE is supply of massive weapon grab bag and 'goodwill' to sic Ukraine on Russia and bleed each other to death - with few tangible consequences

4.) US contemplating sending intermediate OFFENSIVE missile systems which by the clearest definition means NATO and US engage in WWIII kinetically against Russia by proxy with almost 100% certainty that Russia recognizes the act as an act of war.

Why does anyone think a.) Russia will gracefully accept this 'adventure' of NATO resisting the invasion of Ukraine as a simple misunderstanding of the new reality of willingness to engage Russia kinetically for a non-NATO country, when such will was not evident in Georgia and Crimea? and b.) that Russia will NOT escalate responses to see who blinks first at the implied threat of global NUC/WMD?

Reflect on absent adult supervision and clear intent from US, France, UK (with new PM), while China and India and Taiwan and North/South Korea and Japan are poised waiting for the next shoe to drop> I Don't hink China will fail to exploit the current situation with signs of Russian weakness, but any nationstate that ignores an unbalanced Leader in custody of 5000+ nucs is stupid.

Is everybody on the forum basically thinking 'whatever'?

I'm old enough and close enough to every adventure the US has embarked on from Korea through Afghanistan and still contemplating 'what was the right course of action for the People of the United States - much less for everyone else."

I believe that Russia/China axis vs Ukraine/NATO is an existential threat to civilization as we know it - but have no idea where the exit on this road to hell will show up.

I'm not thinking "whatever" at all. I am thinking that with the rise of authoritarianism in the world, that it is very important to punch it in the face forthwith. Bullies don't want fights, they want easy victories. I agree with you that this is a confrontation between democratic values and autocracy. That is exactly why we need to support Ukraine -- they are not just fighting for their own nation, they are fighting for the right of a people to decide their own destiny.
If anything, Russia's blunder in Ukraine has made China step back and rethink their approach to their "Taiwan" issue.

Instead of assaulting it en masse and risking world condemnation, would they then perhaps nibble away at it instead, like Russia did with Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine (in 2014) while the world sits quietly by?

The strait islands are the tripwire. Because Taiwan's an island, subtlety is going to be a rare commodity. It's pretty hard to run an amphibious invasion under-the-table like Russia did the Donbas insurgency support.

While I agree that China must be looking at Russia's sanctions and recalculating, I also think China has so much more economic leverage that they may well not be dissuaded. I don't know. It's really hard for me to read the Chinese tea-leaves.
Like how Britain's fast Jan-Feb 1942 collapse in the IPTO demonstrated that much of British global power was a myth, resulting in massive geopolitical changes postwar, much of the world will no longer respect nor fear Russian military or political posturing.

China needs bread and circuses to keep their mob distracted. If Taiwan is untouchable due to a newly armed and united West, I see China going northward. Unlike 1941-45, no one is going to come to Russia's aid this time around. Likely China's first moves will be to strengthen relations with the 'Stans to China's West. Having broken away from Soviet/CIS rule and now that their corrupt leaders are no longer protected by a demonstrably useless Russia, the 'Stans will be looking for a strong friend.

This news yesterday shows that China and Kazakhstan, for example are moving ahead with closer relations.

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Agreed, the mask is off the tiger, and it turns out to be a housecat. The eclipse of an empire.
Putin can't be one Xi's favorite people. The Mad Russian has got the West re-arming. Taiwan is strengthening its defenses. Korea and Poland might become a more real axis than Russia and China. Taiwan is taking a cue from Ukraine and the (belated) Western response. You can stand up to a bully! But I'll bet Haishenwai is looking tastier and tastier and its got a harbor.
Russia's economy can't handle a mobilization. They can't replace ammunition domestically. Their civil aviation is dying. They can't replace that many tanks. How is the Russian economy going to produce 50,000 Ladas?
If you really want to see how the war is going, check out the financial pages. What's oil doing? After initial panic buying, the price is coming down. It went up to $110 a barrel. It's now $85.49 as I look at a stock screen. Russia is getting killed. China and India can acquire only so much DISCOUNTED oil. So they sell to the West in some shady deal. Russia ain't seeing a kopek of it.
Skip CNN, FOX, DW and the BBC. Read market reports and see how messed up China's economy is becoming. Xi ain't looking for any more disruptions to his economy.
You want the truth? Follow the money.
That northward gaze of Xi must be eyeing that port facility. It will allow his navy to get around the net currently restricting China, bypassing Taiwan for now. I'd rather see Russia keep it.

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