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This would rather be good news for the Ukrainians to fight such opponents, considering they ways they dropped theirs weapons instead of fighting to protect theirs women, daughters, mothers or sisters and leaving the Talibans take power.US-trained Afghan commandos say Russia trying to recruit them to fight in Ukraine
Afghan special forces soldiers who fought alongside American troops and then fled to Iran after the chaotic US withdrawal last year are being recruited by Russia to fight in Ukraine, according to three former Afghan
If they ran away, my guess is that a 1Lt. said he had an idea and whipped out a map...Battalion of Russian mobilised men wiped out in days, survivors claim
The soldiers were sent to the frontline in Luhansk and their officers ran away, according to an unverified Verstka news agency
I would hope that instead of entering Kherson, the Ukrainians would surround it and cut off all electricity and water to the city. Mean while they could concentrate of driving the Russians out of Ukraine.
Agreed. The Russians have clearly invested a lot of manpower and resources in building up the urban defences of Kherson. So, now's the time for the AFU to ignore Kherson and instead focus on taking intact the Dnieper crossing at the Nova Kakhovka dam, and then race the 90 km for Armiansk.I would hope that instead of entering Kherson, the Ukrainians would surround it and cut off all electricity and water to the city. Mean while they could concentrate of driving the Russians out of Ukraine.
Good video tour of the T-90M here.As far as I know, all existing T-90 variants were planned to be modernized to T-90M from 2020 to 2025.
First batch was 20 upgrades which was around 2019.Good video tour of the T-90M here.