"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Nothing will happen to Romania or any other NATO nation, unless somebody with criminal intentions will trigger a false flag attack. US and Russian forces are having close encounters over the skies of Syria for years but they're highly trained and professional individuals. And nobody knows the value of life more than a soldier with field experience. Not the paper pushers behind their desks, but those who put their lives on the stake every day.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if, in some weeks, China will offer to act as a mediator and peacekeeper in Ukraine. They would accomplish two goals: protect one of their major foreign source of food and strike another blow at the US influence in Europe.

Europe in all of these will have nothing to say, beyond the usual empty talks. They're stuck between a rock and a hard place and even if all the media here are aligned to US-UK views, there's a growing discontent against NATO and the US, especially after the decades long war on terror, the so called 'arab springs' and the untimely ousting of Gheddafi, which caused more harm than good to all Europe (Ironically all the gas and oil coming from Libya would have helped in this situation).

As usual, the only ones winning in this war are the weapons manufacturers: after all, somebody will have to replace all that damaged hardware...
The "top-cover" is explosive-reactive armor. It explodes when an incoming round impacts it. It has a full sheath of armor underneath. This reactive explosion adds to the effective protection of the inherent armor without adding the weight of more steel plates. The cage over the top is designed to protect against top-shoot rounds. This is not an improvisation.
the top cover is roof weled out of the steel bars just to add aditional protection to the Javelin which is "top attack" missile - definitely is giving some level protection boost, especially combined with ERA armour bricks on the top of the turret, from other hand - hard to expect it is very effective
We know it is difficult to keep a nice political-free discussion about current situations. It's because of this we always pushed the non-political rule. We're trying to find a balance here which is difficult at best, not to apply censorship, but keeping things clean. To me the following post is might be over the edge already as it also handles internal European politics that don't handle Ukraine directly (Libya), although I can understand why the poster was triggered to write this. Whether I agree or not is irrelevant, but I warn all of you to not go down that route. This is not meant to slam msxyz here but I use his post as an example what I think we shouldn't do.

This is an experiment. If we cannot make this work, we'll have to go back to the very strict "no-politics" rule and we'll have to close the thread.

Nothing will happen to Romania or any other NATO nation, unless somebody with criminal intentions will trigger a false flag attack. US and Russian forces are having close encounters over the skies of Syria for years but they're highly trained and professional individuals. And nobody knows the value of life more than a soldier with field experience. Not the paper pushers behind their desks, but those who put their lives on the stake every day.

However, I wouldn't be surprised if, in some weeks, China will offer to act as a mediator and peacekeeper in Ukraine. They would accomplish two goals: protect one of their major foreign source of food and strike another blow at the US influence in Europe.

Europe in all of these will have nothing to say, beyond the usual empty talks. They're stuck between a rock and a hard place and even if all the media here are aligned to US-UK views, there's a growing discontent against NATO and the US, especially after the decades long war on terror, the so called 'arab springs' and the untimely ousting of Gheddafi, which caused more harm than good to all Europe (Ironically all the gas and oil coming from Libya would have helped in this situation).

As usual, the only ones winning in this war are the weapons manufacturers: after all, somebody will have to replace all that damaged hardware...
Sorry I didn't mean to go over the edge into dangerous territory with my post :) I will refrain from touching any subject that isn't technical or historically related to aviation. By all means, delete my earlier post if you feel it's the right thing to do. I understand.
Sorry I didn't mean to go over the edge into dangerous territory with my post :) I will refrain from touching any subject that isn't technical or historically related to aviation. By all means, delete my earlier post if you feel it's the right thing to do. I understand.
No no, it's just that we'll have to find a good balance here and we'll have to do that together. But that might be an utopia. I don't know, yet.
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Ukraine launched missiles against a Russian Air Base


Well, perhaps Ukraine's ex-Warsaw Pact neighbors have warehouses full of Soviet smallarms. Time to start cleaning off the cosmoline.
we have 30 years from warsaw pact dissolution - are you sure WP magazines have been as vast like NATO ones? - i dont think so... main possesor of the stocks was USSR with huge part of this has been located on... Ukraine. Other WP countries had "something for the good start" - after this majority of supplies should be provided by Big Brother. Soviets havent tolerated high tech weapon development at their... allies???
the top cover is roof weled out of the steel bars just to add aditional protection to the Javelin which is "top attack" missile - definitely is giving some level protection boost, especially combined with ERA armour bricks on the top of the turret, from other hand - hard to expect it is very effective

That's what I pointed out, albeit without your more-elegant wording.
It appears that Ukraine forces (4th Rapid Reaction Brigade) retook Hostomel (Antonov) airport from the Russian paratroopers (11th Seperate Guards Air Assault Brigade).

Not sure about casualties on either side (numbers are all over the place), but the An-225 seems to have survived the fighting (so far).
It appears that Ukraine forces (4th Rapid Reaction Brigade) retook Hostomel (Antonov) airport from the Russian paratroopers (11th Seperate Guards Air Assault Brigade).

Not sure about casualties on either side (numbers are all over the place), but the An-225 seems to have survived the fighting (so far).

Russia is now claiming to have taken Antonov airfield. Looks like Ukrainian forces weren't able to maintain the tactical advantage. :(

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