"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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Formula One has also cancelled the Sochi race.

I'm waiting for the EU to stop bickering so we can bar Russia from the SWIFT protocols. That would cut them off from the vast majority of the world's financial tools and prevent them from selling debt or trading in dollars.

I don't understand why this has not been done yet.
With all this going on, how has the I.S.S. and future missions been affected? I can't see people from other nations hitching rides up there from Baikonor.

I don't think it would be so much Bulgaria or Romania as they were never really part of the 'Russian/Soviet empire'. I would more worried if I was in one of the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia or Lithuania since they were once part of said empire.

Finland was part of Tsarist Russia. The Law of Unintended Consequences kicks ass, though. This war ostensibly started over Putin's wanting to prevent an expansion of NATO to the Russian border ... but Finland's Prime Minister is saying that this invasion will change the NATO debate in her country.

Both Sweden and Finland will be in attendance at today's NATO summit.
I don't think it would be so much Bulgaria or Romania as they were never really part of the 'Russian/Soviet empire'. I would more worried if I was in one of the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia or Lithuania since they were once part of said empire.
First there is one huge difference between Baltic states and Ukraine - landscape. If russian army will try to push there the same style like on Ukraine they will live their bones in forests. Second Baltic states are NATO members - article 5 - we will be in full out war with Russia the same moment they will put their foot on wrong side of the border.
A neighbor was talking to a man I didn't know about the Ukraine war. My neighbor said that Putin wanted to be the man that restored the old Russian Empire. The man said, "Let 'em have it." I stuck in at this point and said, "Then he will want Romania, Bulgaria and Poland." "So, let 'em have it" I countered, "What if he wants East Germany back?"
"I don't care" I then said, "What if he wants Alaska back?" "What?" I said, "Didn't you know we bought Alaska from Russia. They thought they put one over on us because there was nothing there. Now we have oil wells, pipelines and gold mines and lots of US citizens there. I can see why he might want it back now." At that point, the unknown man decided the conversation had turned silly and he had somewhere important to be. Another one who slept through history class.
First there is one huge difference between Baltic states and Ukraine - landscape. If russian army will try to push there the same style like on Ukraine they will live their bones in forests. Second Baltic states are NATO members - article 5 - we will be in full out war with Russia the same moment they will put their foot on wrong side of the border.
Good point re the NATO aspect - I had forgotten they had already joined.
I don't think it would be so much Bulgaria or Romania as they were never really part of the 'Russian/Soviet empire'. I would more worried if I was in one of the Baltic states of Latvia, Estonia or Lithuania since they were once part of said empire.
Bulgaria does have historic ties to the Rus peoples, including introducing the Cyrillic language to the Kievs.

More recently, the Russians helped the Bulgarians defeat the Ottomans (including the epic battle at Shipka Pass).

None of that matters, though. What matters is that Russia (Putin, rather) sees it's former post WWII European territorial gains as it's rightful property.
This would be:
East Germany
Czech Republic
etc., etc....

And the Baltic region was held by several powers long befor the Russian Empire, particularly Germans like the Teutonic order and Poland.
The Russian Empire managed to take control of the region from Sweden in the 1700's.
So, technically speaking, Sweden gets the Baltic states, not Russia :lol:
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for the russians towbars as well FOD coovers or weather protection blankets are part of 1:1 aircraft equipment set, in difference to NATO they never tried standardize this part of GSE
Very cool! I see the L39 towbar - I used a similar one without the cables - when we towed we were careful not to put much pressure on the nose. It seemed that towbar worked on the L29 as well but many operators here in the states would make their own. I think it worked on the MiG-15
Events have a way of imposing themselves on people ... without regard to any desires.
The European countries still are all autonomous countries, something which, after the current events, is even more precious. Therefore they are allowed to have their own choice as much as we regret it. Wether it has been the right choice, only time will tell. I know my government fought hard to get that proposal through but in vain for now.
The European countries still are all autonomous countries, something which, after the current events, is even more precious. Therefore they are allowed to have their own choice as much as we regret it. Wether it has been the right choice, only time will tell. I know my government fought hard to get that proposal through but in vain for now.

Right, and now of all times is not the time for recriminations.
Very cool! I see the L39 towbar - I used a similar one without the cables - when we towed we were careful not to put much pressure on the nose
oh yes - frontal undercarriage is pretty soft element - needs to be handled with extra caution in most of the airplanes
Right, and now of all times is not the time for recriminations.
Isn't it? Then why does NATO not more than shout? It's not that simple. There always other things at stake and what's at stake is for everybody different. People forget that the EU it's nota country and cannot always act in unity. Even though I regret that sometimes. But we're straying. Let us not go that way.

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