"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (3 Viewers)

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Once again, Putler stumbles around in Fantasyland without thinking things through.

The signatories of the Nuclear Arms treaty are bound to honor each other.

If Russia backs out, then other Nuclear nations are not bound to honor Russia, putting them in tje same league as North Korea - in other words, his blustering about "tearing up the treaty" means the other nations can cast off their gloves if he gets frisky.

Maybe it will helps but I'm not so sure. More looks like a pointless ritual until Russia will not thrown of the Security Council's window.

It's posturing. The UN can't do anything to stop any injustice, really. It can only provide a fig-leaf of cover for those nations with the spine to do that already. I'm struggling to think of one the UN has stopped in its tracks by dint of a simple vote. Can someone help a brotha out?
The UN has proved many times over, to be as worthless as tits on a Nun.
National security adviser Jake Sullivan on Thursday said that F-16 fighter jets are "not the key capability" that Ukraine currently needs to battle Russian forces, as the Biden administration faces mounting pressure from Kyiv over the jets.

"[The Ukrainians are] about to mount a significant counteroffensive," Sullivan told CNN's Fareed Zakaria at a town hall event on Thursday night. "From our perspective, F-16s are not the key capability for that offensive. It is the stuff that we are moving rapidly to the front lines now."

"F-16s are not a question for the short-term fight," he added. "F-16s are a question for the long-term defense of Ukraine, and that's a conversation that President Biden and President Zelensky had."

Biden met with Zelensky during a surprise visit to Kyiv on Monday, ahead of the war's one-year anniversary on Friday.

Sullivan added on Thursday that the military and intelligence communities make recommendations to Biden based on "the needs of the Ukrainian military during the phase of the war that they are confronting at that time."

"As we head into the spring, what Ukraine really needs is armor, infantry fighting vehicles and, yes, tanks, and we're providing those," he said.

With all due respect, sir, planning for the short term and current conditions only is an idiot's way to fight.
Any modern battlefield has shown that having aerial superiority can dictate what happens on the ground.
Agreed, but someone forgot to tell the Russians. They claim to have one of the largest and most powerful air forces in the world, yet we see little of it over Ukraine. I imagine those Russian soldiers desperately fighting at Vuhledar and elsewhere are looking upwards and asking where the hell is our "famed" air force?!

If neither side is going to contest and exercise aerial superiority over the battlefield then the deciding factors will be those chaps on the ground and in the tanks, AFVs, IFVs and artillery.
It seems obvious to me that had the Ukrainians been started on F-16 training and deployment three months ago, by May, a couple of dozen F-16s would dominate the battle space. NATO export approved F-16s (NATO a name you can trust!), operating like the VKS over friendly skies, would out range whatever the bad guys have. Plus all the neat boom stuff that they can carry.
40 billion in aid so far, I'm sure there's enough rental talent and bowsers to keep 'em flying.
Chucking JADM-ERs at the Kerch bridge would be quite the larf, along with a few key railroad yards.

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