"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Other possible problems seem to be on the horizon for Putin

Am I missing something. The entirety of your linked article appears to be two short sentences? Where's the beef?

Bigger Russian exodus than when the war started

NGOs reported that there was an even bigger exodus of Russians than when the war started. And with another draft the situation could get worse.
Looks like Bakhmut may fall:

KYIV, Feb 28 (Reuters) - Russian forces on Tuesday pressed forward their weeks-long drive to encircle and capture the eastern Ukrainian city of Bakhmut where the commander of Ukraine's ground forces described the situation as "extremely tense".
The Russian troops, including mercenary fighters from the Wagner Group, are trying to cut the Ukrainian defenders' supply lines to the city, scene of some of the war's bloodiest battles, and force them to surrender or withdraw.

That would give Russia its first major prize in more than half a year and open the way to the capture of the last remaining urban centres in the Donetsk region, one of four which Moscow claims to have annexed in what it calls its "special military operation" in Ukraine.
"Despite significant losses, the enemy threw in the most prepared assault units of Wagner, who are trying to break through the defences of our troops and surround the city," Ukraine's Colonel General Oleksandr Syrskyi said in a statement.

One bright spot if Germany can muster a battalion and a half of Leopard 2 is that it equates to 2 Ukrainian battalions as
their organisation of units is different.
I wonder if Germany can. This war is exposing how unprepared Europe is.

I never thought Canada would be a top Leopard 2 source for Ukraine. We're at eight units committed with i believe four now delivered or enroute.
I'd support Canada sending its entire fleet of eighty odd Leopard 2s to Ukraine. We're not going to deploy them anywhere this decade and by the next our early gen Leo2s will be obsolete and in need of replacement.
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Attention seeking ......
I have no idea what happened there. It was approx four pages of notes
The article is presented in "slide show" format.
You have to click the image's right arrow to change the caption.
According to some sources, in this podcast, Rheinmetall CEO Papperger states that its Skyranger and Skynex AA Systems are in Ukraine (reportedly its 2 prototypes).
Unfortunately I don't understand German but I think we have enough German speakers that can confirm.
Well, I didn't mean ALL of them. But give them the spare parts and powerpacks and they'll get any Leo2s in recoverable condition back into service as quickly as physically possible.

Its probably not as easy and simple as you think. These are not outdated obsolete cold war Russian tanks that can be put back together and jerry rigged, oil topped off, a bolt put in here and there and its ready to roll. These are more modern tanks with modern electric, optic, targeting, computer, and sensor systems.

I'm not saying they won't get them combat ready, just not on your time line. Military logistics is never that fast.

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