"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (5 Viewers)

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Feb 26 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Sunday fired a senior military commander helping lead the fight against Russian troops in the country's embattled east but gave no reason for the move.

In a one-line decree, Zelenskiy announced the dismissal of Eduard Moskalyov as commander of the joint forces of Ukraine, which are engaged in battles in the Donbas region.

Zelenskiy mentioned Moskalyov in a daily address on Friday when listing the military commanders he had spoken to. Moskalyov had been in the post since March 2022, shortly after Russia invaded Ukraine.

I'm looking forward to that, most optimistically!

Oh, I've been putting them out there all this time: morale, supplies, leadership, and comparative rates of modern weapons-supply. More-motivated troops, with more supplies, better leadership, and better weapons coming online vs convicts scrounging their own winter kit, led by dunderheads, digging into older and older weapons-stocks ...
...interior lines of communication, older but maintained vehicles, intel (AKA Skynet :)), qualitative artillery superiority, the backing of the biggest economies of the world vs a dying economy whose military had devoured its own veteran cadres and which would also be inept at moving lethal aid from China to where it was needed, if not sold off for Colonel Kleptovich's dacha.
...interior lines of communication, older but maintained vehicles, intel (AKA Skynet :)), qualitative artillery superiority, the backing of the biggest economies of the world vs a dying economy whose military had devoured its own veteran cadres and which would also be inept at moving lethal aid from China to where it was needed, if not sold off for Colonel Kleptovich's dacha.

lol, better detail from you compared to my sketch-job. I personally believe Russia's ass-deep in alligators at this point: no way to win without nukes or a huge call-up, which is politically dangerous to Putin, and no way to back out without Putin risking his regime.
Putin is Xi's bee-yotch now. I think if it's good for China's business, Xi will force Putin to offer a deal (a not good enough one, though). How much of Russia's army is in Ukraine? What they got left in Haishenwai? Get used to that name, Vladivostok.

... not to mention that I would bet dollars to doughnuts that China is prepping to move (politically, not militarily) into a Central Asian power-vacuum in the next, oh, five or so years. Putin's mortgaged his country's staying power for this "quick victory" he strove for a year ago. He will likely lose the satellite nations as well as the shooting war, just as the USSR did after defeat in Afghanistan when the Warsaw Pact nations saw the opening and took it.
A Beriev A-50 AEW (AWACS) was attacked from the air at Minsk Machulishchy Airport (UMLI), using drones.
The front and central parts of the plane, the avionics and the radar antenna were damaged.
The atack has reportedly been claimed by BYPOL (Belorussian partisans)

Reportedly it was one of the only 9 operational AWACS (now 8) the Russians had.

Luxembourg 2,590 km² -> 14 AWACS (country with most AWACS per capita and most AWACS per km²) *
Russia 17,098,250 km² -> 8 AWACS

* Just kidding, the 14 Luxembourg AWACS are all NATO AWACS operated by a multinational crews from all NATO countries, they belong to no country in particular, but are all registered in Luxembourg.
The Association of Security Forces of Belarus, also known as BYPOL is a Belarusian organization that was created by former employees of law enforcement agencies to counter the Belarusian authorities.

In June 2022, BYPOL leader Azarau stated that BYPOL had 200,000 people registered with its Pieramoha Plan ("Pieramoha" meaning "victory"; also spelled as "Peramoha" or "Peramoga") to replace the Lukashenko government, with 5,000 people registered for sabotage actions. By October 2022, 800 people had registered for Pieramoha Plan training centres in Poland
A Beriev A-50 AEW (AWACS) was attacked from the air at Minsk Machulishchy Airport (UMLI), using drones.
The front and central parts of the plane, the avionics and the radar antenna were damaged.
The atack has reportedly been claimed by BYPOL (Belorussian partisans)

Reportedly it was one of the only 9 operational AWACS (now 8) the Russians had.

Luxembourg 2,590 km² -> 14 AWACS (country with most AWACS per capita and most AWACS per km²) *
Russia 17,098,250 km² -> 8 AWACS

* Just kidding, the 14 Luxembourg AWACS are all NATO AWACS operated by a multinational crews from all NATO countries, they belong to no country in particular, but are all registered in Luxembourg.

I would have thought the mighty Russian Bear would have a greater AWACS capability than just 9 aircraft.

Also, I thought the NATO ones were based at Gelsenkirchen, Germany now? I could be wrong, though.

The United States also operates 31 E-3 Sentry, plus a few hundred E-2C and Ds.
I would have thought the mighty Russian Bear would have a greater AWACS capability than just 9 aircraft.

Also, I thought the NATO ones were based at Gelsenkirchen, Germany now? I could be wrong, though.

The United States also operates 31 E-3 Sentry, plus a few hundred E-2C and Ds.
Yes, they are based in Germany, registered in Luxemburg, paid and crewed by all NATO countries.
Feb 26 (Reuters) - Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy on Sunday fired a senior military commander helping lead the fight against Russian troops in the country's embattled east but gave no reason for the move.
The cheek! Why does Zelenskyy owe anyone, especially media from outside Ukraine like the Canadian-owned Reuters a reason for his changes in military command? During the Second World War I expect that many of the senior commanders in place in 1941-42 were replaced without any reason being given to Reuters or even domestic US media. For some the reasons, like Kimmel might be obvious (if perhaps unfair), but other generals and admirals come and go at the wishes of the Commander in Chief.

What is with Reuters' spelling of the man's name?

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