"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Untill the tape doest want to be red. But what do i know. We will see.
Make you a wager: if they are seen in the comming 2 months i will drink a beer in your good health.
If it's longer you will drink one of you choice in mine.
Here is hoping :)


And I will gladly be wrong and drink that beer.

I can see some, just not significant numbers.
That's actually a point I made early in this thread: that even if the Russians win, they lose.

What's funny is that this panel apparently hasn't considered the third option: don't start the goddamned war in the first place, and your economy will be even stronger!
Just think how much wealthier they will be if they just let China take over without a shot.

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