"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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never wrong to honor the fallen even if they fell for the wrong person/idea/nation

Only if the fallen were, themselves, honourable. 'Fraid I'm never going to shed tears over dead SS soldiers. Likewise, I feel no compulsion to honour Russian soldiers who have waged a murderous war of aggression against the people of Ukraine. If they'd actively tried to minimize civilian casualties, I'd feel differently….but there's plenty of evidence they sought to maximize civilian deaths. As such, they are without honour and, IMHO, unworthy of being mourned.
Well said. I hold the same reservations ... those who fall after fighting with honour deserve respect as 'decent' combatants. I'm sure Russians dead are amongst them. But this war has shown a LOT of instances where the behaviour of the Russian forces has been thuggish, depraved, immoral and inhuman. Those perpetrating such acts can rot, as far as I'm concerned
Caedite eos. Novit enim Dominus qui sunt eius.
Rheinmetall wants to build a tank factory in Ukraine (Spiegel).
Original and Google translated.
I think we all knew that it was only a matter of time once Russia started its 1914 assault without any regard to the cost in Human lives. Ukraine have done remarkably well and seems to have even got the respect of the Wagner Group head.

The cost to Russia must have been prodigious and cannot be repeated across the country as Russia simply doesn't have the people to waste. Absolute respect to those that took part in the defence and in particular, those who were killed and wounded and their loved ones.
He's full of crap
He knows he's full of crap
The audience knows he's full of crap
He knows the audience knows he's full of crap

And yet he persists

I almost feel sorry for Sergei. Almost .... but not quite
North section of Bakhmut now looking critical. Russian advance now of depth and width that they can move forward without worrying about their left flank.

There were some partially successful local Ukrainian counterattacks on the south side in the past 24 hours, but they only gained a kilometer or a little over in a couple of places. If I was a pessimist, I'd say these attacks are focused on securing control of the southern highway, ensuring there is an exit route for a withdrawal. Plus, the Ukranians have been destroying bridges in the eastern and western sections of the city.

Losing the city would hurt Ukraine from a symbolic point of view, but Bakhmut doesn't appear to be that critical in terms of the defense of overall front and grand strategy.

The battle for city has been costly to both sides, but given that Russia has been assaulting the city for close to 10 months at this point and it's been the main target of the winter offensive this year, I'd say the defenders have given WAY better than they've gotten.

What will be interesting is any subsequent maneuvering. Even if there's a Ukrainian pull out I doubt that Wagner and Russian forces in the area are in any shape to advance rapidly. Plus, there are a couple of natural and urban features in the area that make for obvious new defensive lines.

Right. The Ukrainians are already fortifying/entrenching west of the town. The blowing of the bridges tells the tale: the Ukrainians are working to slow down any potential Russian follow-up. The Russians will get a big victory story for their own media, but still likely be embogged in defensive positions and not see any breakthrough.

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