"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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he is a puppet. "Time is on Ukraine's side ..." - sure it is - escalate now is the real meaning,IMO. "we need to END it now" He did not say "PUTIN needs to MAKE PEACE now.
The babe with the pointer tosses him a scripted question ... and voila ... we have journalism, Goebbels's - style.
I agree, but Russia has no way to escalate. Nearly the entirety of the Russian army is already committed to Ukraine. Otherwise we would have already seen another move on Kyiv while the bulk of the UAF is fighting in the Donbas. Russia is already at full throttle, there's nothing left besides old T-62 tanks and green conscripts.
It doesn't really matter to Putin how many troops the Russians lose. What matters is who is holding what ground at the end of the day. 50,000 dead Russians but Bakhmut in Russian hands, that's a win for Moscow. Of course, 50,000 dead Russians is 50k less to continue the offensive, but like the Orcs at Helms Deep, they will just keep coming until the last one is dead.
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I am not so sure. He is the one person on Russian TV who has generally told as near to the truth as is possible, to the extent I have wondered why he was still on the air. The question was which side is time on. He could have been answered, Russia or Ukraine. To tell a sizable chunk of Russia that time is on the side of Ukraine, isn't I suspect what Putin would have wanted broadcast.
There is the no small matter that he is right. Russian replacement equipment is on average getting older and less capable. Ukraine replacements tend to be newer and if not newer, more capable than the Russian equipment. Germany has agreed to supply a good number of Leopard 1a4/1a5 tanks. I would back them against a T62 any day of the week, and if they can get the first shot in, they would get a decent chance against most T72's, albeit being vulnerable against light anti tank weapons.

Can I take this opportunity to thank GTX for his selection of clips and articles. I find them really helpful and informative
"Just agree to come back to me, and I won't have to burn down your house."
Every opinion is respectable.
But in my opinion mister Conetta opinion is bullshit. Folding to nuclear blackmail will only encourage Putin and future Putin wannabes to start other wars.
The stronger US and the west stand to nuclear blackmail the lower the chances of a future nuclear war.
I agree with you, but then I'm biased. I would trade Boston for the Ukrainian 92nd Brigade. I'm a Yankee fan.
Situation around Bakhmut remains critical, although reports are confused.

ISW and the UK MoD are reporting that Ukrainian forces withdrew to the west over the weekend and re-established lines along the line of the Bakmutovka River canal that runs through the western portion of the city. Slow Russian advances into villages to the north and south of the city continue, further threatening ground lines of communication. In addition, grinding progress is being made along the main north-south road into the city, from both ends.

Western sources report that Russian advances are being held up due to ongoing disputes between Wagner Group and the Russian Army about what resources are allocated where - to the point where Wager is again complaining of being short of some ammunition types.

Pro-Ukrainian OPSINT sources are reporting Russian advances into the western side of the city up to the line of the river, although some claim limited Ukrainian forces remain to the east of the river defending a couple small areas. They are also reporting that lines to the north have been mostly stabilized, with a more fluid situation to the south, with successful attacks and counter-attacks from both sides. Ground lines of communication have been largely cut, with Ukrainian re-supply forced off the established paved roads and into fields and dirt tracks thanks to Russian attacks on roads and bridges.

Pro-Russian sources claim they are poised to take Berlin...
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