"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (8 Viewers)

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I already said here that the war will be over when Russia runs out of t-34's

On a side note, those 100 Leo 1 that Ukraine is expected to receive will have something to shoot at.
.. throughout, the Russians have demonstrated that the lessons hard-learned in Barbarossa have been forgotten. Putin was a terrible student of history.
I agree ... what I see is Uranus all over again . Where are the Italians and Romanians of December '42, today ...? That's where the ball will roll.
Well, they undoubtedly considered this information as classified before. There were always speculations about the difficulties of ballistic missile interceptions, but military officials avoided details. 2-3 months ago they began to talk more openly. Maybe you are right, and this is another way to "push" the West to provide more air defence systems.
"Big Man" Putin makes a surprise visit to Mariupol months after the fighting there ended. Meanwhile, Zelensky visits Ukrainian front-line troops in Bakhmut. The contrast couldn't be greater!

New Zealander lost his life in the defence of Ukraine.
Just 10 days earlier he helped to save his buddy. Heartbreaking.
View: https://www.facebook.com/kane.tetai/posts/pfbid0MceKpSLjqBR9AiSEDtxBy9ocVRnXFpc9x77Qk5HWE9nfL3h2qV2SX18mEuQ9eyDYlThank you for your service, Kane Te Tai.
It is also possible that Ukraine has upgraded their air defense system and that list is no longer sensitive information.

This might also be baiting the Russians into using the few remeining missiles listed as being "hard to intercept" before a renewed offensive - especially if they have an improved system that will intercept the type.
Going back to the t54/55.

I'm wondering if Bradleys, CV90s and AMX-10s are good enough to deal with them easily.
The M60A3 would be a good candidate to counter older Soviet armor. It was used with good success against Iraqi T-72s, even.

The Ukrainian Army will soon be familiar with the M60 anyway, as they will be receiving the M60-AVLB (mobile bridge).
The M60A3 would be a good candidate to counter older Soviet armor. It was used with good success against Iraqi T-72s, even.

The Ukrainian Army will soon be familiar with the M60 anyway, as they will be receiving the M60-AVLB (mobile bridge).
Are they also getting a number of M88s? They should be mechanically somewhat similar, too

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