"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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And look at your post number!

View attachment 714113
18000 posts? Hmmm... let me see... been a member about 113 days... 57 posts.. so averaging almost exactly .5 posts per.... so, at that rate, it'll take ...... 36,000 days ..... or nearly a century.. .. I need to either a) seriously get busy; or b) give up any hope of matching buffnut's prodigious contributions...lol

That's 18,000 posts in the thread (900 pages, 20 posts per page making 18,000 if my maths is right)...not my personal tally.

I've only managed 7,150 posts (including this post) which is WAY lower than many contributors.
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I'd prefer to have given a dislike for the lack of moral backbone of the sanctioning bodies but I didn't want to be misunderstood.
Agree with you on all points. Still, sending tanks in to point blank range is a great way to express one's displeasure.

WASHINGTON, March 31 (Reuters) - A new $2.6 billion U.S. military aid package that could include air surveillance radars, anti-tank rockets and fuel trucks for Ukraine's fight against Russia is expected to be announced as soon as Monday, three U.S. officials said on Friday.

A half a dozen types of munitions, including tank munitions, are also expected to be on the list of equipment that could be finalized over this weekend, the officials who spoke on condition of anonymity said, adding that the dollar amount and specific equipment in the package could change.

Also slated for inclusion were precision aerial munitions, bridging equipment Ukraine would use to assault Russian positions, recovery vehicles to help disabled heavy equipment like tanks and additional rounds for NASAMS air defenses that the U.S. and allies have given to Kyiv.

The aid was comprised of $2.1 billion in weapons aid coming from Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative (USAI) funding that allows President Joe Biden's administration to buy weapons from industry rather than from U.S. weapons stocks.


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