"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (4 Viewers)

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Honestly the biggest doctrinal issue the Russians seem to suffer right now is not their use of tanks as sledgehammers, but rather that they persist in not providing the tanks with infantry support in order to neutralize the threat from MANPATS; and additionally, committing their tanks to urban fighting again with little or no infantry support.

Finding numbers on Ukrainian tank losses is difficult, and it's not wise to use YT videos as a basis for any potential assessments, so it's hard to say how the Ukrainians are employing their tanks. I think, though, it can be safely said that the Russians are using their own tanks in a way that minimizes their advantage of bringing mobile firepower to the key point, instead bogging them down into unfavorable situations.

For the Ukrainians to get the most out of the Western tanks they simply need to do two things: use their mobility to seize rearward chokepoints, and ensure that these tanks are accompanied by a skirt of infantry and healthy air defense. assets.

The Ukrainians have done such before, so I'm not sure how wedded they are to old, Soviet-era tank tactics.
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has said his country's main task is recapturing territory occupied by Russia. Meanwhile, Latvia has said it will give all its Stinger missiles to Ukraine. DW has the latest.


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