"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (1 Viewer)

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April 25 (Reuters) - Russia has begun using its new T-14 Armata battle tanks to fire on Ukrainian positions "but they have not yet participated in direct assault operations," the RIA state news agency reported on Tuesday, quoting a source close the matter.

RIA said that the tanks have been fitted with extra protection on their flanks and crews have undergone "combat coordination" at training grounds in Ukraine.

The T-14 tank has an unmanned turret, with crew remotely controlling the armaments from "an isolated armoured capsule located in the front of the hull."

The tanks have a maximum speed on the highway of 80 kilometres (50 miles) per hour, RIA reported.

In January, British military intelligence reported that Russian forces in Ukraine were reluctant to accept the first tranche of the tanks due to their "poor condition."

It also said that any deployment of the T-14 would likely be "a high-risk decision" for Russia, and one taken primarily for propaganda purposes.

"Production is probably only in the low tens, while commanders are unlikely to trust the vehicle in combat," the British military said.

"Eleven years in development, the programme has been dogged with delays, reduction in planned fleet size, and reports of manufacturing problems."

The Kremlin ordered production of 2,300 of the tanks - first unveiled in 2015 - by 2020, but this was later stretched to by 2025, according to Russian media reports.

The Interfax news agency reported in December, 2021, that the state conglomerate Rostec had started production of some 40 tanks, with an anticipated delivery after 2023.

I'm sure those twenty or so tanks deployed will make up for the over 1,000 lost already.
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Uhhh...what happened to the "no politics" policy? Does it work only in one direction?

No, it applies in both directions. We always address it regardless of what side it comes from!

However, have you ever considered that we have not seen the post in question yet? the post was made this morning. We have lives outside of the forum. We have jobs, and are not on the forum 24 hours a day. It's impossible to see every post, every minute of the day.

Maybe, rather than call us moderators out in public as if we play favorites, or are only punishing one side, you could use the report function to make us aware of a possible offending post? Is that too much to ask?????

I'll let my employer and wife know that I have to be here 24 hours a day to inspect every post as it is posted.
Now having said, knock it off with the tit for tat left vs. right political BS. You know its not allowed.

And, as promised the team has made an official stance on the easing of the political rule.

One more dimension of war:


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