"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (13 Viewers)

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Long Valley is very active throughout it's area. The floor of Owens Valley has been slowly lifting over the decades, earthquake swarms occur almost daily (especially by Geysers and Mammoth Lakes) and back in the 80's and 90's, series of strong earthquakes were centered at the southern edge which also introduced new fumaroles. The USGS lists Long Valley itself, as moderate to high risk.
And to think I have two major volcanoes by my place:
Mt. Shasta, which is listed as high threat and is about 50 miles north of me and Mt. Lassen, which is also listed as high threat (and very active) and is less than 50 miles east of me.

Ahhh. It is good to live firmly on the continental shield. No volcanic activity in these parts for around 700 million years.
While Ukrainians are preparing to the new fight, Russians are cooking a new provocations:

This statement:

is so absurd, it borders on being scripted comic material if it weren't for the horrors that Russia has inflicted on Ukraine during the past year.

So just exactly what "retaliatory measures" would Russia do that hasn't already been done?

Attack Kyiv with bombs and missiles? Nope, already been done.

Attack Ukrainians cities and villages with bombs and rockets? Nope, already been done.

Attack random civilian targets with bombs and missiles? Nope, already been done.

Round up Ukrainian civilians, torture and murder them? Nope, already been done.

Shoot random Ukrainian civilians in the street as they go about their business? Nope, already been done.

Perhaps a strongly worded letter of protest addressed to Zelensky would strike fear in the hearts of Ukrainians where all else has failed...
Of course you, me, we see it as absurd…
…but you, me, we, aren't the intended audience for this propaganda. The Russian people are. It's intended to raise patriotic zeal. And it no doubt will.
The weather looks mostly dry for the next ten days. Though there are showers predicted to start on Monday, May 15th. So, either strike now or wait two more weeks.

Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Ukraine

Kherson, Kherson Oblast, Ukraine

Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine

You can see the weather conditions in real time at Ukrainian-held areas through webcam, Ukraine Live Cams
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Nice weather is great, but overcast tends to block satellites from "seeing" what's going on.
True. Ukraine would need to wait until June or July for consistent clear skies, and I don't think they can wait that long.

Here's a webcam Ukraine Live Cams. The sky looks overcast with some clear spots. Not ideal for satellites, but okay for dry ground.
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The weather looks mostly dry for the next ten days. Though there are showers predicted to start on Monday, May 15th. So, either strike now or wait two more weeks.

Melitopol, Zaporizhzhia Oblast, Ukraine

Kherson, Kherson Oblast, Ukraine

Mariupol, Donetsk Oblast, Ukraine

You can see the weather conditions in real time at Ukrainian-held areas through webcam, Ukraine Live Cams
You're believing weather forecasts 10 days out? I'm certainly not!

It's all part of the same narrative Putin and his cronies are trying to push: that little old Russia (which is still super strong and should be respected and feared...) is fighting this lonely fight against the big bad evil USA and NATO and the NAZIs in Ukraine and that they are the innocent ones who were attacked. Sadly, this narrative is being listened to in some parts of the world...

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