"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (7 Viewers)

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Not quite the comeuppence that youtube is talking of but still a minor one. Unfortunately it will have as much effect on the Iranian government as the losses in Ukraine have on Putler

If Ukraine's Forces reach Crimea and presumably besiege Sevastopol (that place is besieged once every century: 1855, 1942, so it's due) surely Putin will be forced to consider threatening a tactical nuclear strike, along the lines of "withdraw from Crimea or we will launch a nuke on Kherson.". If Crimea is about to fall, the West can't stop him and Putin has nothing to lose. It's essentially Hitler in the bunker in May 1945, awaiting his demise, but with global self destruct button.

If a non-nuclear power was invading what Washington considered US territory and for whatever reason conventional US forces could not repel the invader, I expect POTUS would have to at least consider using nukes.
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Aha! Somebody tried to set fire to the Reichstag again:

May 3 (Reuters) - Russia accused Ukraine on Wednesday of attacking the Kremlin with drones overnight in a failed attempt to kill President Vladimir Putin.

A senior Ukrainian presidential official said Kyiv had nothing to do with the purported incident, the most dramatic accusation Russia has levelled against Ukraine since invading its neighbour more than 14 months ago.

The Kremlin said two drones had been used in the alleged attack on Putin's residence in the walled Kremlin citadel, but had been disabled by electronic defences.

It said Russia reserved the right to retaliate - a comment that suggested that Moscow might use the alleged incident to justify a further escalation in its war with Ukraine.

"Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services with the use of radar warfare systems, the devices were put out of action," the Kremlin said in a statement.

"We regard these actions as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the president's life, carried out on the eve of Victory Day, the May 9 Parade, at which the presence of foreign guests is also planned ...

"The Russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit."

Like they didn't send out hit squads looking for Zelenskyy, now they're whining about being given their own medicine. It's a shame they didn't succeed. The world would be better with Putin dead.
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May 3 (Reuters) - Russia accused Ukraine on Wednesday of attacking the Kremlin with drones overnight in a failed attempt to kill President Vladimir Putin.

A senior Ukrainian presidential official said Kyiv had nothing to do with the purported incident, the most dramatic accusation Russia has levelled against Ukraine since invading its neighbour more than 14 months ago.

The Kremlin said two drones had been used in the alleged attack on Putin's residence in the walled Kremlin citadel, but had been disabled by electronic defences.

It said Russia reserved the right to retaliate - a comment that suggested that Moscow might use the alleged incident to justify a further escalation in its war with Ukraine.

"Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services with the use of radar warfare systems, the devices were put out of action," the Kremlin said in a statement.

"We regard these actions as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the president's life, carried out on the eve of Victory Day, the May 9 Parade, at which the presence of foreign guests is also planned ...

"The Russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit."

Like they didn't send out hit squads looking for Zelenskyy, now they're whining about being given their own medicine. It's a shame the didn't succeed. The world would be better with Putin dead.
Apparently, irony is not a concept that applies in Russia........
May 3 (Reuters) - Russia accused Ukraine on Wednesday of attacking the Kremlin with drones overnight in a failed attempt to kill President Vladimir Putin.

A senior Ukrainian presidential official said Kyiv had nothing to do with the purported incident, the most dramatic accusation Russia has levelled against Ukraine since invading its neighbour more than 14 months ago.

The Kremlin said two drones had been used in the alleged attack on Putin's residence in the walled Kremlin citadel, but had been disabled by electronic defences.

It said Russia reserved the right to retaliate - a comment that suggested that Moscow might use the alleged incident to justify a further escalation in its war with Ukraine.

"Two unmanned aerial vehicles were aimed at the Kremlin. As a result of timely actions taken by the military and special services with the use of radar warfare systems, the devices were put out of action," the Kremlin said in a statement.

"We regard these actions as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the president's life, carried out on the eve of Victory Day, the May 9 Parade, at which the presence of foreign guests is also planned ...

"The Russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit."

Like they didn't send out hit squads looking for Zelenskyy, now they're whining about being given their own medicine. It's a shame the didn't succeed. The world would be better with Putin dead.
False flag operation. Two drones hitting the roof at night. I guess Ukrainian intelligence place Putin gazing out each night from rooftop windows in the Kremlin and not in a palatial bunker.
New ammunition (300,000) for Flakpanzer Gepard. Shipments from August 2023, according to Olaf Scholtz.
150,000 ADPS-T and 150,000 HEI-T.
34 units are operational, and 3 more are coming.

I just learned that the full name of that cat is Flug-abwehr-kanonen-panzer Gepard.
When I manage to say aloud Flugabwehrkanonenpanzer 10 times in a row, I'll buy myself a pint. Of Warsteiner.
This statement:
"We regard these actions as a planned terrorist act and an attempt on the president's life, carried out on the eve of Victory Day, the May 9 Parade, at which the presence of foreign guests is also planned ...

"The Russian side reserves the right to take retaliatory measures where and when it sees fit."
is so absurd, it borders on being scripted comic material if it weren't for the horrors that Russia has inflicted on Ukraine during the past year.

So just exactly what "retaliatory measures" would Russia do that hasn't already been done?

Attack Kyiv with bombs and missiles? Nope, already been done.

Attack Ukrainians cities and villages with bombs and rockets? Nope, already been done.

Attack random civilian targets with bombs and missiles? Nope, already been done.

Round up Ukrainian civilians, torture and murder them? Nope, already been done.

Shoot random Ukrainian civilians in the street as they go about their business? Nope, already been done.

Perhaps a strongly worded letter of protest addressed to Zelensky would strike fear in the hearts of Ukrainians where all else has failed...
This statement:

is so absurd, it borders on being scripted comic material if it weren't for the horrors that Russia has inflicted on Ukraine during the past year.

So just exactly what "retaliatory measures" would Russia do that hasn't already been done?

Attack Kyiv with bombs and missiles? Nope, already been done.

Attack Ukrainians cities and villages with bombs and rockets? Nope, already been done.

Attack random civilian targets with bombs and missiles? Nope, already been done.

Round up Ukrainian civilians, torture and murder them? Nope, already been done.

Shoot random Ukrainian civilians in the street as they go about their business? Nope, already been done.

Perhaps a strongly worded letter of protest addressed to Zelensky would strike fear in the hearts of Ukrainians where all else has failed...
Don't forget the nuclear threat

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