"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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Sorry, I need to add something further to this, and rather than just edit the post I will quote it here. Especially since it obviously got my blood boiling. And I apologize for letting it upset me.

Apologizing to someone is not backtracking. It's being an adult. There is no need to put fuel to the fire over something that:

A. Does not pertain to you.
B. Was a simple misunderstanding.

Sarcasm can be lost in translation when it is in written form. At no point was anyone being accused of "supporting the invasion." The intent of the post was simply to say that there are sacrifices and hardships we will endure unless we let Putin have his way. The Basket misunderstood the intent of post and the sarcasm that came with it, hence my apology.

So unless you are in someones head, don't tell them what they intended to say A Admiral Beez .

And this is the last I will say on that. Enough thread hijacking BS (from both of us). I suggest we chalk this up to the missunderstanding it is and kindly move on as friends.
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I hope that the Ukrainian shooters were long gone by the time the Russian force responded. It certainly seemed to take the Russians a while to figure out what had happened.

Not sure they escaped. Seems like the 1st undamaged tank we see fired and was hit in the same time, at about 53 seconds in the video.
It took just a few seconds (20?) for the Russians to scatter and fire back.

I'm not sure why the butchering of the video.

I'm wondering if the AT missile was fired remotely. I couldn't see anyone moving away from the firing location, and I wouldn't expect the shooters to hang around.

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