"All of Vlad's forces and all of Vlad's men, are out to put Humpty together again." (2 Viewers)

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If done professionally and properly slat armour (aka bar armor, cage armor and standoff armor) can apparently be effective. It's commonly used on NATO vehicles as supplemental side protection - but I don't know if it can stop overhead strikes. This Leopard 2 below has slat armour everywhere, except above. Perhaps the Russians are unlikely to employ top attack ATGWs?

I think tankers in the past used this kind of do it yourself protection to protect against thrown munitions like bundle pack granates and molotov cocktails.
That i understand. Dont think it will stop a rocket designed to go through a lot of armour plating.
Depends on the round - APDS, APDSFS, HEAT, HESH etc. There's more than one way to penetrate a tank, and more than one way to try and defeat that round: Reactive armour, spaced armour, ceramic armour etc

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